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My mother, Annalise Foster, cuts my hair once a year. The soft, brunette curls float to the ground. I shut my eyes and relax my tense shoulders as my mother brushes out my hair and pulls it into the tight bun all Abnegation females must wear. Everyone from Abnegation wears loose fitting grey clothing. It is supposed to make us forget ourselves as vanity is frown upon in our faction. I am still working on that. We are public servants and we even feed the factionless, the people who do not belong anywhere. I want to belong here but I know I never will.

"Are you nervous for the test?" My mothers soft voice pulls me back to reality. The test is today, it will tell every eighteen year old where they belong. Abnegation, Amity, Candor, Erudite or Dauntless, the five factions.

"Not really." I reply. It's a lie, I am terrified. Terrified it will tell me to go, but more so that it will tell me to stay. My mother can read me better than my twin Blaine, the look in her eyes tells me she could tell I was lying.

I take one extra look in the mirror before she shuts the door in front of it. "That's all the time you get Rosalie."

"Thank you for cutting my hair." I tell her before heading down to breakfast. I sit down next to my father, Daniel Foster, who is reading the morning paper. I pour myself a glass of milk and grab a piece of toast. As I nibble on my toast Blaine comes down the stairs to stand beside my chair.

"Ready Rosalie?" he asks.

"Yep." I mutter. I stand up and Blaine hands me my school bag. "Thank you Blainey." I tell him as I sling it over my shoulder. We walks to school with our neighbors, Beatrice and Caleb Prior making small talk as we go.

"Are you scared?" Beatrice asks me.

"Not really. We just have to trust the test." I tell her as we head into the school building.

Caleb and Blaine head to their math class while Beatrice and I climb the staircase to get to our English class getting sneers from our classmates. Beatrice keeps her head down not looking at anyone, yet I sneer back. I hate bullies. We stop by the window to watch the Dauntless jump off the train. "You would fit in right alongside them, you are practically fearless." Beatrice whispers to me. I thank her quietly before we go to class. Maybe I do belong in Dauntless.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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