It's okay

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Gender fluid y/n x anxious Brahms (fluff)

((Does call you mom but that's it I think))


You where coming back home with the doll after a day in the park. It was a lovely day and you just had to. You sighed as soon as you walked through the door in your beautiful sun dress. With the doll in hand you set him down at the kitchen table and you start making dinner "Brahms what would you like for dinner?" You turned back to the doll. Usually you would have a sticky note telling you what he wanted. But there wasn't one.

"Brahms?" You ask again turning back around and washed some dishes. You turn back still nothing. "Brahms. Is there something you like for dinner?" You ask again. Still calm wondering why he isn't answering? You sigh. "Is Mac and cheese okay?" You ask turning away and looked for the noodles. You grabbed a box turned back and the doll is gone. "Brahms?" You start to panic a little. You set down the box and go to look for him you look around calling for his name in the mansion.

You then here faint sobs from the study. You run over and you see a grown man sitting on the ground crying then you see the doll next to him. "Brahms?" You whisper walking close. You seem ferry worried. Even if this is the first time you are seeing this man you put the pieces together and figured out who he is. "Brahms what's wrong?" You get on your knees and sit not that far from him.

He flinched and you backed off. "Hey.. Hey it's okay Brahms" you whisper. He looks up still crying. His mask caught you off guard but you gave a light smile. "Hurts.." He muttered. "What hurts Brahms?" You move a bit closer but he flinched again. You ignore it and reach over and placed your hand on top of his. "I'm not going to hurt you" he sniffed as you moved closer and reached up and cupped his jaw. He melted into the touch. You blushed a little bit and gave a light smile.

"What hurts Brahms?" You ask again seeming to calm him down a little bit. "Leg.." He looks up at you as he moved his leg down and you saw it. A clean cut on his leg. "Oh no. Okay Brahms. I'm going to go get the first aid kit okay?" You said calmly although internally you where freaking out. He nodded and you got up and quickly got up to go and get it.

You sped walk to get the kit and you came back get was still there but no crying as much. "You came back..?" He sniffled and looked up at you with surprise "of course Brahms. Your hurt I can't let you just be like this" you opened the first aid kit and pulled his leg close to you. "But.." "But what Brahms?" You looked up at him. "How are you so calm right now? You sort of just met me.." He said nervously. "I know the boy I've been taking care of and I see him right in front of me~" you said calmly as you looked at the cut.

His heart melted at your response. If he wasn't hurt right now he would give you a big hug. "Okay this cut.." You muttered to yourself. It wasn't deep or that big but it did gave some bleeding. You pulled out a wipe to disinfect the area. He whimpered slightly but not for too long as you as your lovely hands where distracting him. You bandaged him up and gave it a small kiss "there Brahms. It's all better now" you said. He looked up at you with a smile though you couldn't really tell. But you knew in a way that you made him happy. "Thank you.. Y/n" he leaned in and gave you a hug.

"Oh don't worry about it it's okay it's the least I can do" she smiled. He let go and looked at you. "Can you make dinner?" He asked like he was a bit embarrassed to admit that he was hungry. "Sure Brahms. What would you like?"

"Mac and cheese!" He said happily. "Okay Brahms. Will do" you chuckled slightly at his reaction but it was cute.

(730 words. Short yeah but just wanted to get this out there soon so ye. Hope you enjoyed)

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