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hey to all who found themselves inside this book

as you probably can tell by the title, cover and description
this is a oneshot book about football (soccer)
in this book you'll only find boy x boy os,
y which means it'll either be player x player os or player x (boy) own character
although I do have a couple other books in which i also write girl x girl and boy x girl os
(just have a look on my account)

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as some might've already noticed:
i'm not an native speaker
i've had english for most of my school life and did a five month course in an international school in Australia (which was amazing), so i guess i'm pretty alright
but as much as i think i'm alright, i also know, there're gonna be some grammar and maybe spelling mistakes
so be aware of that
i'm trying my best here and i do thinks it's a perfect way to become even better in English
i'm totally fine with correcting my mistakes, actually i would appreciate it, so i won't make them again

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coming to the actual writing:

if you have any request/wishes
feel free to let me know in the comments
you might as well include some kind of plot if you have something in mind
if not, leave it up to me 🦦

i won't promise to fulfill all requests,
because I might not know the player well enough to write about her but i'll try my best

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FOOTBALL ONESHOTS || boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now