Chapter 19

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March rolled in and brought with it the early flowers of spring. Back at Eli's house, he began trying to work from home more, so that they spent the majority of their day together; her on her art -- him in his upstairs office. Most mornings they would spend engrossed in their respective work, then eat lunch together and fuck languidly on the couch, napping for a while until one or the other got up to get more work done.

The further along she grew, the more Ava began to consider where to put the baby and what things to buy for him.

"Whatever you want," Eli said when asked, "Buy him clothes, toys, anything you want him to have."

One afternoon when Eli got up much earlier than usual from their lunchtime fuck, she ambled down to the second floor but, instead of heading toward their room, she found her footsteps leading her to the smaller room at the end of the hall. Eli's self-appointed nursery space.

Everything remained where it had been the last time she ventured in here months ago. From the outdated carpet and lace curtains to the desk with a layer of dust on the top. The beadboard was nice, but the grayish-green walls made the space feel dark and cave-like. She tried to envision where a crib could go, as well as a rocking chair, changing table, dresser...

"What are you thinking about?"

Ava jumped at Eli's voice from the doorway, grabbing her bump on instinct. The baby jumped too from her reaction, and she patted her belly to reassure him.

"You scared me," she told Eli, who walked in behind her and set his hands on her shoulders, massaging the tense muscles underneath. He said nothing, just watching her as she surveyed the room again, mentally planning where things might go.

"I can have someone come and decorate the nursery if you like," he offered, wrapping his arms around her from behind and pulling her back against his warm chest.

"I don't even know what I would want," she said, resting her arms over his.

"Well, I think the desk will be the first thing to go. I've been meaning to get rid of it for a long time anyway."

She laughed softly, "You don't think he'll want to sit there and make business deals between his naps?"

Eli chuckled and spun her around to face him, "I think he'll be ready for one in a few years, but until then, he needs a functional room," he kissed her softly, then held her close.

"I'm not much of an interior designer," she confessed, "I wouldn't know where to start."

"Is there a theme you like? Colors? Should we replace the carpet? I know this whole floor is woefully outdated."

Ava turned her head away from his chest to look at the room again, trying to think of what theme would fit in the space.

"Dinosaurs, I guess."

He looked down at her with a smirk, "You're serious?"

She smiled, "It would make sense, given, you know..."

Eli looked at the lackluster space with new eyes, "Keep the beadboard; change the wallpaper? Or remove it and paint instead?"

Ava shrugged. "I'm not picky."

His gaze on her felt like it was searching for enthusiasm. Since the mishap up at the Manor on their last visit, he had been extra patient with her, gentle in a way she seldom experienced for long unless he wanted something. After her admission, he seemed to be intent on increasing her affection for him. At this point, Ava had all but given up on resisting. From time to time she would feel that familiar white-hot hatred in the pit of her stomach, but then look down to her burgeoning belly and remember that she had someone else to consider now too. Eli had calmed down for the most part, content with having broken her of the desire to flee at any given moment, and confident that she had resigned herself to staying with him at last.

The Plans of Eli MillsWhere stories live. Discover now