"Oh my sweet boy, my poor sweet sunshine," Susannah said with caution and patted the back of his head in smooth motions. "It's okay, we're all here now and everything is going to be okay and you can take the responsibility off your shoulders."

And with that, Jeremiah let his shoulders fall and he cried in his mom's arms.


A shake to his shoulders stirred Jeremiah in his sleep. "ummh," Jeremiah mumbled. His whole body felt stiff and uncomfortable.

"Jere, wake up. Lina is awake now," Conrad said, shaking his brother's shoulders again.

Jeremiah immediately sprung up and his eyes opened readjusting to the light realizing he was still in the emergency waiting room. He looked at his watch and saw it was nine a.m. He must have fallen asleep in the chair. He turned to look at Conrad. Conrad also resembled exhaustion. His older brother had bags under his red eyes. Had Conrad been crying? What did he miss?

"Have you gotten any sleep? It must be well over twelve hours for you?" Jeremiah asked him.

"My night has been rough with worry but not as bad as what you and Lina have gone through," he answered.

Jeremiah stayed silent and Conrad continued, "she got out of ICU three hours ago and woke up about an hour ago. The Tello's went in first and then I followed after. I was going to wake you but mom told me to let you sleep." He paused, "she asked about you. It was the first thing she said when she woke up. Lina was worried about you. But, Jere. She's in pretty bad shape."

A pang of guilt hit Jeremiah. This was all his fault. The car accident was his fault. If he would have just let Angelina take him to the airport and he would have gotten on that plane, none of this would have happened.

"They told Mr. Tello that Lina was in really bad condition when she got here, Jere. They were surprised she made it," Conrad said the last part in almost a whisper. "She took the impact entirely."

Jeremiah ran his right hand over his face leaning forward in his seat. She almost died because of him. If he hadn't stirred the wheel in the opposite direction Angelina was trying to, again, none of this would have happened. How could he be so stupid. His childish emotions of love almost caused the person he loved- Jeremiah gulped. He stood up silently walking away from Conrad.

"Jere? Where are you going? Aren't you going to see Lina?" Conrad called out.

He couldn't. How could he see her after he was the reason she was in that position in the first place. He needed his mom again. Frantically searching around the hospital, Jeremiah finally found his mom staring at the coffee vending machine. He walked up to her, sliding his hand within hers.

Suannah looked down at their hands and gave it a small squeeze. "You want a coffee, sweetie?" She also looked exhausted and more guilt swarmed Jeremiah for causing everyone he loved to be put in this horrific situation.

"I want to go home, mom," Jeremiah's voice cracked. It pained him to say but he knew this is what he needed to do.

"Jere, I don't understand," Susannah began.

But Jeremiah cut her off, "I don't want to be here anymore. I want us to go home, please mom. Please, I just want to get on a plane and go back home."

Susannah nodded and began typing away on her phone. Jeremiah leaned his left shoulder against the coffee vending machine and hissed. A small amount of pain hit him. He forgot he had his left arm in a sling. But, he endured it because this small amount of pain wasn't nothing in comparison to what Angelina went through.


The next hour was a blur to Jeremiah. His mom gave him instructions about the flight as she went to find Conrad, the last minute tickets she was able to get for just the both of them, the Uber ride to the airport and then boarding on the plane.

He looked down at his phone as he gulped roughly sitting beside his mom getting ready for the plane to depart. Conrad stayed behind with the Tello's and he was grateful that his older brother would be there for Angelina when she read his text. Jeremiah felt his stomach start to twist as if he was going to vomit. As much as it pained him on what he was about to do, he knew he needed too. This all got too real so fast.

Jeremiah: "Conrad told me you're awake. I am so sorry but I just couldn't see you before leaving. I am about to take off in a plane with my mom back to Boston. I think you were right, Angelina, what you said before the car accident. I need to be back home with my mom. I need time and I think some time apart would be best for us. You're going to start college and I will be finishing my senior year of college."

An instant text came in from Angelina: "Just tell what you're trying to say, Jeremiah."

Jeremiah: "We should break up."

Another text came through right after and Jeremiah was scared to see what it said. A part of him wanted Angelina to fight him on it but a bigger part of him wanted her to just ignore and forget about him.

But the text wasn't from Angelina. "A text? And you left before seeing her. You're an asshole, you know that." Cornad's text said.

And for the first time, Jeremiah agreed with his older brother's text, he indeed was an asshole.

End of chapter notes:

Hello loves! Don't hate Jeremiah 😣 we're going to have toxic Jere for a bit in the next chapters, but it's for the plot, lol.

Also! I started a Conrad fanfic. It will be enemies to lovers. So if you want to check that out, I will greatly appreciate it.

Hope you enjoyed.

Heartbreak Anniversary x Jeremiah Fisher (2)Where stories live. Discover now