Chapter Ten

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~ Then ~
August 2nd

Jeremiah blamed the fluorescent lights on the reasoning behind the water in his eyes. He was upset, frustrated, any word used to describe exasperation at this point. No one will tell him anything because he wasn't related to Angelina in any way.

"Please," Jeremiah begged leaning over the emergency room front desk counter. "I just need to know if she's okay."

"I'm so sorry young man, please just take a seat and wait. We can only discuss with family members right now due to her being a juvenile."

Jeremiah's throat tightened, "she's my girlfriend, please."

The front desk receptionist sighed. "She's currently in ICU, so I won't ask again, please take a seat."

Jeremiah leaned the back of his head against the wall where he sat in the emergency room lobby. His left arm was wrapped in a sling. When he awoke again after the police officer found them in the car, he was in the emergency room getting his arm stitched and bandaged up.

Nurses were running everywhere wildly as Jeremiah laid there trying to get the attention of anyone to find out where Angelina was at and if she was okay. When they finally discharged him for his arm injury, he called his mom right away but she didn't answer. He tried Conrad next and the same thing, no answer. He didn't have Julian or Cristian Tello's number and he instantly felt ashamed. They were the closest thing to a family Angelina had and he didn't even take the time to get to know them over the summer. Now he was stuck in a situation where he couldn't get any help for Angelina.

His phone started vibrating and he answered it quickly without looking at the caller ID assuming it must be his mom. "Mom?" Jeremiah's voice cracked.

"Jere, no it's Belly," he heard her soft voice say.

"Belly?" He said, trying to resist the tears from coming down again. It felt so good to hear a familiar voice after all these excruciating hours alone. Jeremiah pulled the phone away from his face. It was Belly calling. It was also four in the morning here in California so it had to be early for Belly to be up on the East Coast.

"Susannah called my mom before she hopped on a plane to go over there. She should be arriving soon with Conrad," she paused. "Cristian and his dad will be arriving with them as well for Angelina. Mom told me to wait on calling you because she didn't know what condition you two were in but I haven't been able to sleep worrying about you two."

"How?" Jeremiah rasped. Exhaustion washed over him but a small amount of relief came as well. A straight flight over here is about six hours and he thought he wouldn't be seeing anyone until hours from now but the fact that they should be arriving anytime soon made him feel so much better.

"The police station there got in contact with Susannah after they found you and notified her of the accident and then she got in contact with Mr. Tello," she said.

"Thank you, Bells. You don't know how much I needed to hear that," Jeremiah said, leaning his head back against the wall and closing his eyes.

"How is Angie?"

Jeremiah's body immediately tensed and his throat tightened. He didn't know. All he knew was that she was in intensive care and all he wanted to do was see her but the staff refused to let him. "Not good, Bells," he said painfully. Saying those words felt like sandpaper scraping his throat. It took him a moment to think of when was the last time he took a sip of water.

"Jeremiah!" was heard loudly and Jeremiah opened his eyes seeing his mom rushing towards him with Conrad following suit.

"Mom?" His voice cracked as his eyes started to water yet again. Jeremiah's phone slipped from his fingers as he got up and met his mom half way through the waiting room crushing his body against hers. Jeremiah wrapped his free arm that wasn't in the sling around his mom holding her in the tightest hug he's ever given her. "Mom, is it really you?" He said, his body shaking.

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