
Jay jolted up the bed at 9am in the morning at the loud noise coming from outside.

He heard muffled yelling and he quickly threw the blankets off his body and ran out of his room.

When he arrived downstairs, he saw the living room scattered and Jungkook on the floor with jimin on top him hitting and slapping him while jungkook held his collar and hair, pulling it harshly.

"You fucking bitch!!! How dare you hit me first!!!" Jungkook growled.

Jimin hit him harder then Jungkook flipped them and he got on top jimin, he raised his hand then punched jimin on the face.

Jay squealed then ran to them and tried to pull jungkook off jimin.

"Stop hitting my brother!!!" Jay screamed.

Jungkook ignored him and pinned jimin on the floor, with jimin squirming and groaning.

"S..stop it!!!" Jimin screamed.

"Shut the fuck up!!! I'm the alpha male here!!! You have no fucking rights to hit me and insult my family you fucking bitch!!! How dare you!?!"
Jungkook yelled.

"Stop jungkook please!!!" Jay pulled his arm but jungkook was way stronger than that.

Jimin's mouth bled as he grew weak from Jungkook's harsh hits.

The fight went tooooo far, normally they would've been tending to each other's wounds but jungkook definitely has another idea.
He was totally angry, and jimin and Jay is no match for Jungkook's strength.

Jungkook raised his hand to punch jimin but then jay yelled.


Jungkook halted.


Jimin breathed heavily.

"He's pregnant Jungkook please let him go"

Jungkook looked down at jimin who was bleeding from his nose and mouth.

"Is it true jimin?"

Jimin nodded weakly.

Jungkook immediately got off jimin and gently pulled him up.

"I'm so sorry jimin" he kissed jimin's bruised cheek softly.

"It's okay. I hurt you so bad" jimin said, examining Jungkook's face.

Meanwhile, jay stared at them as if they were crazy.

"How old is our baby?" Jungkook asked as his hand went to jimin's stomach to touch it.

"Two months"

Jungkook beamed.

"Thank you so much. I love you alot" jungkook said.

"I love you too. Come on, let me go clean up your wound" jimin said then held Jungkook's hand and they both limped upstairs.

"What the fuck just happened" jay mumbled.

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