4: WØØ

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"Look at him, he can't even cook or talk with manners and he's over there bossing Jungkook around. I hate his face" jin snorted.

"Sshh! Don't let Jungkook hear you, you know how he gets anytime we say something about jimin" Yoongi said, taking the onions from Jin to cut it.

They're both in the kitchen of Taehyung's Mansion, cooking Lunch for everybody, they all decided to hang out at Taehyung's place.

"He's coming over here" jin mumbled to yoongi then rolled his eyes.

"You two won't stop gossiping about me would ya?"
Jimin said as he balanced his weight on his left leg and crossed his arms.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Please leave, we're trying to cook lunch" Yoongi said.

"You both are just jealous because I'm flawless and I can make your men stare at me in a way he wouldn't stare at you" Jimin said.

"Yeah, in Disgust" jin said then snickered with yoongi.

"What's wrong with both of you!?! Why do you always find something bad to say about me!!?" Jimin asked.

Jin and yoongi turned around to face him.

"Listen here jimin. You know why. We want you to stay away from Jungkook. You're toxic, everyone knows that. You always cause the fight, he'll apologise later even tho you're the one that's suppose to. You spend all his money on stupid things that you'll wear once and throw away, you only care about his wealth and not about him. I'm sure you don't even love Jungkook at all" jin said.

Jimin's eyes filled with tears as he looked at both of them.

"Who are you to question my love for my boyfriend!?!"

Yoongi scoffed.

"The truth is clear jimin. You don't love him but his money. When you're done shedding your crocodile tears, you're free to leave my kitchen"

Jin and yoongi then went back to cooking.

Jimin sniffed then wiped his teary cheeks before storming out of the kitchen.

Once he arrived at the living room, everyone, including Jungkook, noticed his pink face and tear stained cheeks.

"I'm leaving" he said as he took his bag.

Jungkook hurriedly stood up and went to him, pulling him by his waist.

"Wait! What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

Jimin sniffed.

"Please, I want to leave. No one likes me here, they're all just pretending to like me because they're your friends. I can't stay here" jimin cried.

Jungkook glanced at the guys then back at jimin.

"Don't say that, it's not true. They all like you"

Jimin scoffed.

"No they don't. Namjoon, Taehyung and Hoseok stare at me like I'm some whore gold digger and Jin and Yoongi said it straight to my face. Please I have to go, you can stay if you want but I can't" jimin pushed jungkook away from him then ran out of the house.

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