10: HAVE I?

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What was heard in the room was beeping sounds and heavy breathing.

Jimin slowly opened his eyes and hissed at the bright light that invaded his eyes.

He blocked it out with his hand until his eyes got used to the surrounding before he removed it.

Jimin sat up on the bed slowly with a sigh, he removed the mask from his face then slowly looked around.

"Oh you're awake? The doctor will be with you now" a nurse that just came into the room said then left.

Few minutes later, The doctor came in.

"Hello there! It's good to see you again. I'm sorry for sending you out knowing fully well that you weren't too healthy to leave" she said as she sat on the chair beside jimin.

"I... it's okay" jimin smiled a little.

"We did the test on the pill you brought. That pill is called anocicoria, it's not taken by humans but used to kill flying insects and crawling Insects. If you weren't brought here in time, you would've died. That pill is really dangerous to human beings and the person that gave you that drug wants you dead. Were you given by your therapist?"

Jimin looked at her.

"I...I think so. Normally he sends his driver to bring drugs for me incase if the ones I have run out. They also keep it in my home if I'm not around. So I thought his driver brought it when I saw it on my vanity, I took all including my old ones a...and I just passed out" jimin explained.

"Do you suspect your therapist for trying to kill you or his driver?"

"I...I mean. I don't know his driver that well, we don't even have a normal conversation. A...and I'm not sure if eun woo is capable of doing such a thing. He's not like that and why would he want to kill me?"

"Hmm..I have no reply to that but this is police case. You were almost murdered"

"Did my boyfriend come back?"
Jimin changed the topic.

"Yes. I explained everything to him. He's just not aware that you're concious. He's right outside in the waiting room"

"Please get him for me" jimin begged.

The doctor smiled and nodded before going out of the ward.

Soon, jungkook came in.

"Kookie. I'm sorry" that was the first thing jimin said when jungkook came in.

Jungkook's eyes were red like he was crying, he quickly went to jimin then brought him into a hug, kissing his neck and cheeks.

"I'm sorry baby. Don't be mad at me" jungkook apologized.

Jimin pulled away from the hug.

"Why are you apologizing kookie?"

"*Sniff* I accused you for things you yourself didn't even know about. I'm so sorry love" he cried.

Jimin smiled softly then pecked jungkook's lips.

"It's okay. I'm not angry at you jungkook. Don't cry" he wiped his tears.

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