Chishiya with a...KID?!

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You have know Chishiya for a while in the Borderland, but one day when he returned to the beach, he had a kid following him around, tagging along and chatting with him, the weird thing is, he didn't seem annoyed by the kid constantly talking...

The kid didn't look Japanese, nor sounded Japanese. She had dark purple hair, with the caramel brownish roots, her hair were obviously dyed dark. Her hair was wavy with a few curls, she had pale skin, rosy cheeks, soft eyebags and blue eyes, along with mole/birthmark on the side of her chin. Skinny, slightly underweight even.

She were following Chishiya around with her hands in the front pocket of her lime green hoodie, and her jeans looked slightly "overwashed" and she had normal convers. Her clothing didn't stick out...too much, atleast.

"Hey!! Chishiya, y'know, I've been thinking!"

You heard the girl talk with Chishiya in a cheerful voice, despite the situation. Chishiya seemed weirdly interested. You thought that this was very weird, you looked at this girl and Chishiya as they talked.

"What if the, i dunno what to call it, mastermind? Game maker? Whatever. Anyways, what if they are here? With us 'players'? I mean, nobody would suspect that, yes? So what if they are? What if- what if-"

She was rambling on, sounding kinda annoying, but she was a kid, so are you surprised? No.

Chishiya raised his eyebrows and answered the girl.

"Yes...true. But do you think that they really would take the risk if the danger?"

"I mean, why not? They might like the despair or something? pun intended."

Chishiya slightly rolled his eyes and had his hands in the pockets of his jacket like usual. He looked over to you and smiled softly.

"Ah, Y/n, hello."

You looked at him and then at the kid and back at him.

"Hey Chishiya. I see that you're babysitting."

You answered in a slightly teasing tone, and Chishiya let out a soft chuckle. And the kid was quiet, just looking at you and Chishiya, not wanting to disturb the conversation. At least that's one way to shut the kid up.

"Ah, this? Hm. I suppose so. This is Emelie. She's...well, a kid. She'll be sticking around now for a while."

Chishiya said with a smug grin and looked at the kid and you.

"Using kids now too, Chishiya? Wow. That's low."

You said jokingly and Chishiya couldn't help to to smirk a little at your joke.

"I'm not using anyone. Atleast not a kid, that's too low. Even for me."

You chuckled and shook your head before looking at the kid


Your eye contact with the kid made them suddenly nervous and she let out a "UH-" before sealing her lips shut. Chishiya shook is head in a 'really?' manner.

Chishiya: "Don't be so scared, Emelie. It's just one person. Y/n won't bite...I think."

Chishiya said slightly teasing.

Emelie: "E-ehe...y-yeah...won't bite, okay..."

She tried to put on a confident smile, but you could see through it clearly.

Y/n: "Your name is 'Emelie', huh?"

You asked and the kid looked at you and slowly nod her head.

Chishiya: "See? Y/n isn't that bad, Emelie"

Chishiya put his hand on Emelie's shoulder and she looked away and rolled her eyes as she let out a 'Tch' sound in respond to him, and Chishiya couldn't help but to find it slightly amusing.

Emelie: "ANYWAYS, I- uh, should probably go-"

She slowly turned around and slowly started to walk away before Chishiya spoke up.

Chishiya: "Go? Go where? You have no place to stay, and know no body else, Emelie"

Emelie suddenly stopped and mumbled to herself.

Emelie: "Oh, shit...he's right..."

She turned back to face the two of you.

Emelie: "UH, I-I-I- uhm, m-my visa, YEAH, my visa days arw about to end...ehe...I need another "game"...yeah...."

She said slightly nervously, not wanting to admit that Chishiya was right.

Chishiya: "Another game you say? Let me and Y/n come with you then."

Y/n: "Wait what- why me?"

Chishiya looked at you and smirked slightly and spoke in a teasing tone.

Chishiya: "I need help to babysit this child. Plus, it's not like she has parents here in the Borderland. So, i can be her dad and you can be the mom/other dad/-parent (based of your gender identity^^')"

His statement with he being a one parent and you the other caused you to blush slightly, he said it in a way that almost made him sound excited, as if he wanted a child with you.

Emelie looked at the both of you.

Emelie: "Ayo, I'm getting new parents? SICK. Y'know, I never had a dad. Or well. I had one. But he was pretty absent at most times so--"

She started to speak in a jokingly 'gremlin' voice


She giggled like a gremlin which caused Chishiya and you to chuckle and raise a brow.

Emelie: "okay. I like the both of you more now."

She said as she started to walk away. What a odd child, you thought as you watched her walk away before Chishiya started to calmly walk after her...

Babysitting...? [CHISHIYA X Y/N?]Where stories live. Discover now