At the heart of the entrance, a colossal wooden door, etched with scenes of culinary abundance and jubilation, stood as an artistic masterpiece in its own right. The craftsmanship of the carving spoke of stories that unfolded within its walls, hinting at the delights that awaited anyone who ventured beyond its threshold. A discreet brass plaque, perched beside the door, offered a subtle nod to the restaurant's storied history and esteemed reputation.

With the sinking sun, well-placed sconces strategically illuminated the facade, casting a soft, inviting radiance upon all who approached. The exterior of the restaurant was not merely an architectural statement; it was a prelude, a tantalizing preview of the lavish and luxurious dining experience that lay within. This visual symphony of grandeur and sophistication served to capture the essence of fine dining, imprinting an indelible mark upon the senses of any fortunate enough to cross its path.

As I sat there, my gaze locked upon the splendid exterior of the restaurant, a sense of unease began to creep over me. "Natalie, I don't think I can afford this restaurant," I confessed under my breath, my attention still entranced by the ornate details that graced the edifice.

A soft chuckle escaped Natalie's lips, the sound carrying a warm note of reassurance. "I invited you to dinner, Ivy, so it's only fair if I take care of the bill," she assured me with a comforting smile.

A cloud of concern lingered in my expression as I ventured, "But, Natalie, this place looks like it could easily break the bank."

Her smile held an air of amusement as she leaned in slightly, as if confiding in me, "I don't know if you've noticed, but money isn't a pressing concern in our family." She proceeded to open her side of the car door, a subtle gesture of invitation. "Moreover," she added, stepping out of the vehicle, "this is actually a family-owned establishment, so we enjoy certain privileges, including a discount."

With a mixture of relief and curiosity, I followed her lead and emerged from the car. The implications of her words settled within me, and I sought clarification. "Your family owns this remarkable place?"

A proud nod accompanied her response, "Indeed, Ivy. This restaurant belongs to my family." A soft smile graced her lips, punctuating her words with an air of pride. "So, you needn't worry about the cost. And in case you're wondering," she continued with a mischievous glint in her eye, "you might just spot my sister here on occasion."

My curiosity was piqued. "Victoria comes here often?"

Natalie's playful expression was replaced by a more contemplative one, her eyes momentarily distant as she responded, "Yes, she does. Almost every weekend, accompanied by..." A faint roll of her eyes punctuated her pause, "...her husband."

As her words lingered, a ripple of complexity played across my thoughts. The nuances of Victoria's life seemed to reveal themselves in the most unexpected of moments, casting shadows and illumination in equal measure.

As I stepped alongside Natalie, a surge of curiosity prompted me to seek further insight. "I take it you don't like him very much?" I inquired, my gaze still drawn to the restaurant's ornate entrance.

Her immediate response was accompanied by a scoff, her voice brimming with disdain. "Don't like him?" She shook her head incredulously, her tone dripping with palpable animosity. "I despise that man with every fiber of my being."

The intensity of her sentiments was undeniable, and I found myself compelled to dig deeper into the origins of this apparent feud. "May I ask why?" I ventured, my curiosity getting the better of me.

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