Chapter 6

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Next Day

Jennie POV :-

Aishh this girl stays up late night and never wake up early in the mornings ughhhh she never listens to me and it will be late for college and hurriedly gets ready , not even eat her breakfast properly...

Jennie - Yahhhhhh Y/Nnnnniiiiieeee waaaaakkkkeeeee uuuuuppppppppp..!!!!!!!

Y/N falls from her bed due to the loud screams...

Y/N - Yahhhh jenniee why you scream so loudly near my ears ouch it hurts you know.... *pouts

Jennie - Yah you dumb head girl don't you have phone, can't you keep the alarm... see the time now * pointing towards the clock*.. I have said you many times don't sleep late at nights so you won't be late to college see now....

Y/N - Shit.. Uhmmm sry jennie yesterday when we came back from cafe we all guys were chatting you were already slept so you don't know...

Jennie - What...!!!!! You all in the sense.. Bangtan boys too..

Y/N - Hmm yeah...

Jennie - Then wth I didn't know about this ughh..

Y/N - Check your mobile paboo

Jennie - *checks her mobile and sees all the messages* Ughh idk what they all thought about me as I didn't text anything in the group *sighs in pout* will apologize to them today when we meet in the college. Now wake up and get ready Y/N..

Y/N - Yes Ma'am 🫡

( They both chuckles and get 's ready to the college)

𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚂𝚔𝚒𝚙𝚜

Me and Jennie came to college ASAP.. so that we won't be late as we entered the college we saw lisa and rose waiting for us so we all together starts to walk to the class.. As I was in my thoughts about yesterday's meeting with those 7 boys, actually they aren't the boys like some students say, they just be themselves when they are all together I mean when they are only with all together 7 members, but idk why these students say bad things about them like they are so arrogant they don't give any shits to others blahhhh blaaahhh etc etc... Ughhh idk why I'm thinking this much as I was thinking suddenly I got hit by a hard rocked chest

Y/N :- Yaaahhhh you dumbhead guy can't you see the way you are coming... uhhhhh don't you have eyes or what.... ( As I was shouting at that person I didn't even see his face ughh goddd he is so tall jennie called me and I turned to her side )

Y/N - Whatt..😤

Jennie - Y/N why are you shouting at kookie can't you see as you were in your own thoughts and bumped into him

Y/N - Why will I bump into someone uhh.. Wait What did you just say kookie uhh..👀

Jennie - Yeahh it's kookie.. see yourself you dumb head girl....🤦‍♀

( Turns herself and sees all the 7 members smiling at her..& she stare)

Y/N - Hmmm sorry to all of you guys and sry to you also kookie i didn't intentionally shout at you *embarrassed* 😬

( And turns around to leave.. but stops when she noticed all the 7 boys and her 3 friends coming together behind her )

Y/N - Yahhhh you guys why are you following me..??

Tae - You are a paboo you know..😂🤣

Y/N - Yeah I kn.... Whattt NO i'm not a pabooo.😤😤 Yahhh taaeeee don't you dare to move from that place stop there

Tae - Wae *Jungshooked*

Jennie,Lisa,Rose - Now you are the paboo...😂🤣 don't listen to her just run bcz she is coming beat your ass up😂🤣

Tae - Whattttt!!! Y/N no Y/N don't....

Y/N - Yahh I won't do anything to you bcz i'm a pabo ryt..?

Tae - No no you aren't......Y/Nnnnnnnnnnnn

( Y/N started to chase tae and they both were running like a kids or more like when a brother annoys his sister and she gets pissed off from her brother's annoyness and runs behind him...

But there was one person who was burning in jealousy but still smiling seeing his princess being so innocent like a child... Hehhehee you guys know who is it ryt.. Yeah it's Jungkook 😉)

Jk - Guys okay stop now it's getting late let's go......

( All agreed to JungKook and started to go to their classes whereas JK and Y/N  was talking about something but they didn't notice that they was not with their gang without these two members all of them went to their classes.... little they know that these 2 guys make a cute & cold pair like they are made for each other no one can separate they left them alone)

𝐀/𝐍 𝐏𝐎𝐕 :-

?? - Dammnn jk why you are not like this with me uhh.... Why what's so special in her can't you see her real self she is a bitch, I can clearly say that but why why you can't see that !???? His he blind or what..... Jk you are inviting a big trouble just wait if you guys become a couple then i will be the one who will spoil your so called shit relationship......YOU ARE ONLY MINE..!!! IF I DON'T GET YOU THEN NO ONE WILL BE ABLE TO GET YOU.........................

Who is this person...? Why she is like this....
Idk what I'm writing ,just trying to go with the flow


Let's see how this story goes......

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