Bright crystals, Dim thoughts

Start from the beginning


He snapped his head to see a tall man with blonde hair talking to the shopkeeper, and then he felt it. He felt a rush of small energy flowing through him-a bright and warm one. He only felt it for a few seconds, but he's sure of it. The man who's far in front of him is his soulmate.

Tetsuya knows about soulmates and is aware that every single person has their soulmates. He just didn't prioritize or think about finding his. So it came as a surprise for him to find his soulmate to be in another town.

He turned his head back to the accessories laid upon him, and looked at the bracelet on his hand, pretending like he's admiring it.

He didn't have a good look at his face as it was facing him sideways, but he can already tell how pretty the boy was. His eyes are a shade darker than his hair, and his eyelashes are so long.

"That bracelet is made out of black onyx, a gemstone that's good for grounding, protection, and self-control."

A voice pulled him out of his thoughts making him turn to look at the person-and behind him was the person he's been thinking about.


A tall boy with medium length blonde hair hummed as he roamed the quiet street. Mornings are his favorite, especially early mornings like 6 am to 8 am. It's always peaceful during those times since not many are awake.

Another thing about mornings is that he can roam freely without girls crowding him. You see, this man is a model, a famous model in the main city. So it's not a surprise that he's also famous here in their town. He sighed, it's really a good thing he's a morning person.

And one thing he loved doing the most in the morning aside from waking up his boyfriends was Crystal shopping. It's always the perfect time to buy Crystals for his rituals and spells.

Aside from being a model, he's a Crystal witch, and honestly, it suits someone as charming as him.

He stopped walking in front of a store, his favorite Crystal store. Because not only is the shopkeeper so nice-but also because they have all the crystals-gemstones out there. And they're all pure, unlike some shops who scam people with fake ones.

As soon as he entered the shop, a familiar bell greeted him. He quietly went over one of the aisle, touching and examining the gems, when he came to a stop, he felt something burning on his right waist-what.

His mark is burning?

He glanced at the end of the aisle and he detected a small blue with Light blue hair. His mark burned more.

He was about to approach him when suddenly, the shopkeeper talked to him

"Ah, Ryouta-kun it's you."

"Good Morning, Ms. Fumiye." He bowed in greeting

"Good morning too Ryouta-kun, you're early as always huh."

"Well it's one of the perks of being an Early bird." The blonde laughed

"Are you looking for something specifically?" The lady asked

"None for now, Ms. Fumiye"

"I see, just call me if you're looking for something then."

"Will do." and with that the lady left to fix some stuff in the other aisle.

He resumed his intentions of approaching the boy, though he really didn't know why he was doing it. Maybe because of the possibility that he has another soulmate? Whether it was or not, he didn't know.

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