Salt Gods Fall to Flame & the Alpenglow Sunrise

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Part 4 – Episode 6
Salt Gods Fall to Flame & the Alpenglow Sunrise

Euron, his hair whipped by the salty wind, sat at the helm of his ship, the air of a wild sea-king about him. His expression was devilish, a mischievous glint in his eye as he gazed ahead. "They don't even see us coming," he declared, his yellowed teeth bared in a wry, confident smile.

His commander, standing to his left, voiced a concern. "I don't see the beasts, Your Grace."

Euron, scanning the skies, remained undeterred. "Watch for them while we sink the Dragon Queen's fleet." He ordered with a sense of grim anticipation. Moments later, a bolt shot forth from his Scorpion, followed swiftly by others, each loaded with deadly dragon fire.

The crew fell silent, their breaths held in suspense, as they awaited the impact of their assault. The scene was charged with tension, the outcome of their attack hanging in the balance, all awaiting the results of Euron's audacious and ruthless strategy.


Within a ship's creaking confines, Tyrion and Varys engaged in quiet conversation. "Think of the past twenty years. War, murder, the misery...all of it because Robert Baratheon loved someone who didn't love him back." Tyrion reflected with a hint of wistfulness on Robert Baratheon's ill-fated love.

Pensive, Varys inquired, "How many others know?"

"Including us, eight." Tyrion revealed.

Varys analyzed the situation. "It's not a secret anymore, then. It's information." He paused, considering the future. "If a handful of people know now, then hundreds will know soon, then what?"

Considering the larger picture, Tyrion sighed. "She has lost the North to the Dead, the Vale will likely soon follow."

"Are we talking the Game of Thrones or the war against the dead?" Varys sought clarity.

Tyrion admitted, "Perhaps both. Even if we had triumphed over the Night King, the Northern Alliances would still be in peril. Sansa does not trust our Queen."

Varys probed further. "Do you?"

Tyrion, his gaze in his cup, confided, "My faith in our Queen has been tested of late... but yes."

"Would she step back for Jon?" Varys pondered.

Tyrion speculated, "Yes, I think she would. So long as she was his consort and Queen."

Varys's expression showed slight relief.

Tyrion added a crucial point. "But he doesn't want the throne."

Varys, considering Jon's influence, remarked, "I'm not sure it matters what he wants...the fact is, people are drawn to him. Wildlings, Northmen. He's a war hero."

Tyrion, his thoughts drifting to the couple in question, suggested, "He loves our Queen, and she loves him." He paused a moment to think. "If we marry them, they can rule together."

"Well, according to this new information, she is his aunt." Varys raised a practical concern.

Undeterred, Tyrion replied, "That never stopped a Targaryen before." He took a drink to punctuate the statement.

Varys, skeptical with the situation, questioned, "Yes, but Jon grew up in Winterfell. Is marrying your aunt common in the north?" His tone carried a hint of condescension. "You know our Queen better than I do. Do you think she wants to share the throne? She does not like to have her authority questioned."

Varys's concerns were valid, but Tyrion, ever the queen's defender, replied, "Something she has in common with every monarch who ever lived."

In the tense atmosphere of the ship, Varys's expression was grave. "I worry about her state of mind," he confided, his concern evident.

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