Silver Linings

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Part 3- Ep 5
Silver Linings

Ser Davos, with hurried impatience, unfurled the map of Westeros across the table during the council meeting convened by Daenerys aboard her fleet. The gravity of their situation was palpable in the room.

Brienne, her voice steady and clear, pointed to a specific area on the map. "We estimate the army of the dead to be around here," she indicated, her finger resting near the fork in the White Knife river.

Jon, his expression grim, assessed the situation. "That is not more than a half-day's march. They could be here at nightfall," he remarked, his gaze shifting to Daenerys, who looked on with concern.

Varys, his eyes intently studying the map, voiced his observation. "I see no villages marked here. Nothing to slow them down, I presume."

Sansa, knowledgeable of the region, confirmed his fears. "Not much in the way of villages. Just some country estates here and there, but they are largely abandoned by now."

Jamie, joining the strategizing, proposed an alternative route for the undead army. "Well, couldn't they pass White Harbor altogether and head for Moat Cailin?" he suggested, pointing to the southwest. "They are probably following the King's Road," he added, turning to Bronn for confirmation.

Bronn responded to Jamie's suggestion, scratching his nose thoughtfully. "They were, last I got a good look at 'em. The terrain is rugged, they're not likely to come this way."

Tyrion, reaching for his wine cup, added a grim perspective. "The army might not need to, but the Night King could come here with his dragon and lay waste to the entire city so that their numbers could add to his."

Jon, his expression troubled, acknowledged the urgency of their situation. "We can't remain and sit here for him to blow us out of the water either," he said, leaning on the table, his injury still healed. "Rhaegal is injured badly, and I don't think he will survive another battle at this time. He needs a few days."

Dany's face clouded with sadness at the mention of her injured dragon.

Tyrion, seeking solutions, asked, "Is there anything we can do?"

Dany, her voice tinged with helplessness, admitted, "I don't know how to treat it. Perhaps all my dragon needs is rest."

Jon, his gaze softening, offered a plan. "We will give him time to rest at Dragonstone."

Ser Davos agreed, "My thoughts exactly."

Daenerys, taking command of the strategy, queried about the timeline for the undead army's march to King's Landing. Ser Davos estimated about a fortnight, while their own journey by sea could take merely two to three days, depending on the winds.

Dany made the decision. "Then we should be underway."

Varys, however, voiced his skepticism. "Excuse me, Your Grace, but do you actually intend to approach a city you have been threatening to invade for the last year and expect to be allowed inside?"

Daenerys, her demeanor resolute, clarified her intent. "I intend to defend it."

Varys, incredulous, pressed further. "And you also intend on defending Queen Cersei?"

Daenerys, standing tall, responded with conviction. "I will defend my city, the home built by my ancestors, and the people within its gates, no matter the person sitting on the Iron Throne."

Varys's bemused expression was evident, but Jon, recognizing the urgency, concluded, "Best get underway."

Ser Davos acknowledged the order with a dutiful nod. "Aye, my lord."

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