"Look Nae, I know you down with the gods and goddesses. You be on some spiritual shit and all but how the hell would you know that? You be spooky as fuck sometimes, I be trying to not get on your bad side."-Teyana

"What Jhene said is true I fell in love with her at first sight and this shit never happened to me before. I know because it's the little things that make me go crazy even when she doesn't do anything like how she puts a piece of hair behind her ear when she's being shy. When she smiles at me and it melts my heart. The way she holds onto me for safety while she's in my arms and I put my chin on top of her head to smell the scent of her silky hair. How I feel cold when she leaves my arms even though she's only going to the bathroom. She's like the female version of me because we have the same style. She's all that I think about and honestly I can't go a day without seeing her. We look good together and I don't see myself with no other woman but her. I know she cares about me too just by the way she looks at me."-Chris

"Damn that's deep all I can say is give it some time if it's meant to be then God will have his way and bring yall together when it's the right timing."-Chloe

"Girl I'm just spiritually intact, ain't nobody going do nothing to you"-Jhene

"I guess I'll just have to wait patiently even though it's going to be some bullshit"-I shrugged

"Only time will tell"-Jhene and Chloe said in unison

"I'm happy for you Chris, I hope that she'll come around because you deserve love just like all of us and it's a good thing you are finally going to stop being a hoe"-Teyana 

"Thanks Tey and you know I gotta stop being Breezy sometimes"-Chris

"Of course now next time call us at a decent time because if you disturb me again at this time I'll cut you"-Teyana said laughing

"You sound just like her"-I said smirking

"Guess she's a good one then"-Teyana said winking

"Yeah but I appreciate yall ladies for answering me and helping me out. I'm sorry for calling so late"-Chris

"You're welcome, just sleep on it and I'm always a call away. We're like family"-Chloe

"Thanks for the inspiration of love"-Teyana

"What Tey said because I don't know how much sleep I'll get once Noah wakes up"-Jhene

"You got Sean to help out, don't you?"-I shrugged

"Bye Christopher"-Jhene said hanging up the face time

"Dang she played you"-Chloe said laughing

"Haha but get some zzz bro, don't stress so much"-Teyana

"Good night yall"-I said trying to smile

"Good night"-They said in unison hanging up

I sat my phone beside me and realized I have to go to Jamaica in a few hours so I had to pack but I didn't want to leave Olivia like this. I guess it is what it is, maybe I have to put some distance in between us even though it's going to hurt so bad. I grabbed everything that I needed and threw it in my bag then zipped it up. I sighed and grabbed my phone then walked out of my crib with my suitcase to the car that was waiting for me. When she's done playing I'ma come get it haha. 

"Bro you good?"-Devon

"Yeah I'm cool"-Chris

"You got some bad energy"-Taja

"Don't wanna talk about it but I should be good once we get to Jamaica"-I shrugged 

"I hope so because you killing my vibe"-Devon

"It looks like the man going through something shut up Dee"-Alexandria

"My bad"-Devon said defensive

I put my earphones in, took a deep breath then started listening to some music to ease my mind and fell asleep. I had a dream that Olivia called me and she was breathing heavy, her voice was hoarse and she said Chris please help me then the phone cut off. 

"Olivia!!!"-I yelled out

"Chris wake up, Chris"-Taylor

"Who's Olivia?"-Devon

I opened my eyes to adjust to the sun coming in the car and realized I blurted Olivia's name out from the dream. I wiped my forehead and just stayed silent for a while.

"Nobody, let's get on the jet before anybody notices me. I'm tired"-I lied

"Didn't seem like nobody"-Taylor 

I ignored her and got on the jet after grabbing my suitcase then went to the back to lay down. This is going to be one long excruciating flight, I need a distraction. I pulled out my drawing book and pens then started drawing Olivia the first time I saw her walking into the restaurant to the day I left her with a tear stained face. I threw my book at the door that I almost hit Taylor.

"So this is Olivia huh? She seems beautiful the way you drew her"-Taylor

"I don't want to talk about her"-Chris

"If that's the case why are you back here soaking in emotions thinking about her then?"-Taylor

"If I talk about her then I'll end up being too emotional and all I want to do is distract myself but she's apart of every thought"-Chris

"Then come out and play some games like we usually do and take your mind off of her a little"-Taylor

"I guess you're right, aight I'm coming"-Chris

"Cool just leave the pity party back here, we going to Jamaica jah hear me"-Taylor


"No problem"-Taylor

She walked out and I went to the bathroom to wash my face then came out to go check on the crew.

"Ay there go Breezy, you done being in ya feelings?"-Devon

"Chill come on let me beat you in some dominoes right quick"-Chris

"Bet but I think you might of got a little rusty being away for a few days"-Devon said fake coughing

"Nah you just suck at every game we play"-I said laughing

We were playing games on the jet, talking about some shit that happened on some of my tours, geeking about something dumb Devon did, trying to out dance each other, laughing about the good times we had over the years. They did distract me for a while until I grabbed my phone and went through my gallery to look at the picture of Olivia. Here I go again in my feelings, why can't I just let her go?

"We here"-Alexandria

"Can't wait to see some beautiful ladies"-Devon

We all got out the jet and cameras were flashing all around us, I was feeling the vibe actually and got myself together so that nobody in this world would ever see me down. We were walking through the crowd and finally got to the truck then my smile faded. I hope that I can enjoy myself while I'm here because I just want to crawl into a hole and soak in my emotions.

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