
Start from the beginning

"He will always be by your side, whether you believe it or not. You're an amazing mother, Cindy. I don't know you well but I knew him, I'm beyond proud of you for the way you raised him and you will get through this...even if it feels like you can't...You will, I believe in you and I bet you have so many people who do too." I rub her back gently, she shakes, sobbing. I shut my eyes for a second at the own pain I feel myself, she lost her son, the man she raised his whole life and she done an amazing job.

"Cindy?" I hear a man's voice before her husband walks around the corner, she pulls back looking at him.

"She's woken up." He says, Cindy looks to me.

"I...was going to tell her...but would you..?" Cindy asks and I search her eyes, causing her more pain is the least she needs.

"Yes...I will. I am sorry for your loss, Charlie's amazing and you both should be proud of yourselves, he spoke very highly of you both. I wish you the best." I nod at them both and she nods back before I walk away slowly. I bite my lip taking in a breath at my pounding heart.

I walk around the corner and stop when I see Diana's Mom...and her Dad. Beck and Dianas grandparents are here too.

Fucking Jane.

"Have you lost your minds?" I ask, walking closer. Her Mom looks at me and I look up and down with a scoff.


"I have to tell her, Jane. Bringing her parents is not something she would want, both of you assholes should know that damn well." I raise my voice out of anger.

"Natalie." I hear Diana's voice quietly as they all look at me, I glance in the room which has the door opened now instead of closed. I look back to them all.

"Go home, do not cause her more stress. Overwhelm her and I will kill the lot of you." I say, quietly before I step into the room, I don't know if I'm supposed to or 'allowed' to but I do anyway. I shut the door behind.

The light is on, I look at her, she has small band aids on her face, both of her arms have casts. She's in a little hospital gown which is half visible because of the light blanket over her. My anger washes away.

"Oh, my sweet girl." My heart melts as I walk around the bed quickly. I lean down kissing her, slowly and gently. My heart warming at the sight of her, beyond happy that she is alright.

"What happened?" She asks weakly, I keep my lips against her head for a moment just...making sure.

"You were in a car accident, do you remember it?" I question pulling back and looking at the small bruise beneath her eye above a band aid.

"Some of it-"

"Do you remember everything else?" I ask her, I can't help it but touch her, not inappropriately but gently, just to make sure she's real and that I haven't gotten worse news and passed out because of it. I run my finger up her jawline gently as she leans into my touch.

"Hmm....You're my teacher right?" She smiles slowly, she winces a little and I smile back.

"At least you haven't forgotten who I am." I say.

"I think that would be impossible and I'm glad that it is." She keeps looking at me, I keep running my finger up and down her jawline as I hold her eye contact. Her eyes bright, her smile wide.

I smile back slightly but my eyes...they just begin to sting-I look away, dropping my hand because of the happiness in her eyes which I have to ruin. I have to tell her.

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