Aunt Petunia (Wiping her tears and thinking): Oh, Severus. I remember you now. You and Lilly were best friends for years. You were always so gruff, and now look at you; going soft and protecting Lilly's only child. It's so endearing to see.

Harry: O-okay.

Aunt Petunia: We'd better get shopping, you two. We don't have all day.

Snape: Yes, let's go.

True to his word, Severus Snape kept a hand on both of their shoulders throughout the day. Their first stop was Gringotts, where Aunt Petunia nearly threw up once she go off of the trolly ride.

Aunt Petunia (Gasping): Couldn't they go any slower?

Snape: Everyone always asks that, and the answer is always no, unfortunately.

The Potter Vault was opened and Snape filled a bag with money, for Harry obviously, as he explained the currency.

Snape: Now, pay attention, both of you. The galleons are the big gold coins, the Sickles are the medium silver coins, and the Knuts are the small bronze coins. 29 Knuts make a Sickle, and 17 Sickles make a Galleon. I'm going to give you a quiz when we get back to the car so remember what I just told you.

Their next stop was to Ollivanders, where Harry got a Rowan wand with two cores, a Phoenix feather, and a strand of Unicorn hair.

Their day went very well. They got everything they needed except for an owl, but they were on their way there now. The three of them stepped into the pet shop and gazed around at all of the choices on display along the walls. Well, Aunt Petunia and Professor Snape looked around anyway.

Harry: How can I choose if I can't see? Can one of you describe the animals to me?

Snape, showing his soft side for Harry once again, knelt in front of the small, blind boy and place his hands on his shoulders.

Snape: If you want me to, I will describe every animal in this shop.

When Snape said this, Harry's eyes filled with tears. He sniffled and launched forward into Snape's embrace, crying into the Professor's shoulder, with his arms around his neck.

Harry: Thank you! You're the best, Uncle Severus!

Snape was startled for a full 20 seconds, then he too was tearing up. To hide his tears, Severus had to bury his face into Harry's shoulder. Even Aunt Petunia was sniffling. Then Severus recovered and answered Harry.

Snape: Whenever you need me at school, I'll be there, Harry. And right now, at this moment in time, when you find the pet you want, I'll pay for it. As your birthday present.

Harry (Smiling widely): Thank you! Now, what's first, Uncle Sev?

Snape: I don't know, what do you want me to describe first?

Harry: What are the options?

Snape: Well, I see Owls, Cats, Rats, Bats, Toads, and a few Puffskeines over in the corner.

Harry: Don't I need an Owl for receiving mail?

Aunt Petunia: Yes, you do, and I expect a letter a week.

Harry: Then let's look at the owls first, then pick out a companion pet.

Aunt Petunia: Do we have enough money for both?

Snape: It's fine Petunia. I'll pay. My treat.

Aunt Petunia: Very well, then. Proceed.

For the next half an hour, Severus described every animal in the store. Harry had chosen a beautiful female Snowy Owl and now he was looking for a companion animal that he liked.

Snape: Excuse me, sir?

Store Owner: How can I help you?

Snape: Are there any other animals in the back for the store that we can look at?

Store Owner: There are but a lot of them are very temperamental when it comes to the customers. If it's for the boy over there, you might want to reconsider.

Snape: You'd be surprised at the types this boy can tame.

Store Owner: If you are sure, I can lead you back and supervise. Stacy, watch the counter for me!

Snape: Petunia, Harry, come on! We're going to the back!

Harry: Coming, Uncle Sev!

The store owner led them to the back room and pushed aside the dividing curtains. Behind them were stacks of cages containing Owls, Cats, Snakes, and even a few Rats.

Harry gasped and turned his head accurately in the direction of the cages.

Harry: Uncle Sev! I can see glowing shapes!

Aunt Petunia (Gasping in shock): What?! But that's impossible!

Snape was just as shocked, but when he looked directly into Harry's eyes, he understood exactly what was happening.

Blind, Half-Veela Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now