"And you went with it cause you're a sore loser."

Ao'nung closed his eyes tightly. Even tho it was annoying what she just said about him, he knew she was right.
"I guess."

The atmosphere around them grew quite. No one said a word, not even their breathing was heard and they both looked at the floor, Ao'nung afraid to see the disappointed look in Kristy's eyes and Kristy afraid to see a lie behind all his words.

"I hate you."

Her whisper was almost inaudible but due to the quite night around them Ao'nung heard it.

"I hate you for the things you've done to the people I love."

"And I hate me for it too. If I could undo all those things I'd do it." Ao'nung started in a mumbled but he ended with a genuine voice as he looked Kristy finally in the eye.

Kristy nodded. She believed him. As weird as it sounds but Ao'nung sounded genuine. He meant what he said.

"Then... Let that be in the past. I don't want to fight. As surpringly as it is I want to be friends with you." Ao'nung's eyes grew wide as Kristy kept talking, not expecting any of this to come from her.

"I'll make it up. To all of you." Ao'nung reassured her. "I-"

Ao'nung's sentence was interrupted by the horn and some metkayina yelled "The boy has been found!"

Kristy's eyes widened and she ran to the chore with Ao'nung on her heels.

They saw Lo'ak getting off the tsurak and thanking the metkayina on top.
Neteyam walked to Kristy's site, looking at her and Kristy gave him a small smile, telling him that everything's fine.

All the metkayina surrounded them now and Lo'ak spotted Ao'nung. His face turned visibly more mad and he started to approach Ao'nung but Jake came from the site "Hey, let's take a look at you."

Jake looked briefly over Lo'ak. The sully boy had some bad scratches and bruises and Kristy hoped he didn't brake a bone or something.

"He's okay!" Jake told the crowd and the metkayina backed away "He's okay."

Neytiri ran through the crowd and towards Lo'ak "I'll pray to ewya that I'll not plug the eyeballs out of my youngest son!" She hissed and made a grabbing movement towards lo'ak's eye but Lo'ak moved his head back.

Jake put his hand on Lo'ak's arm and started to direct his son away. Lo'ak glared at Ao'nung as he turned away but Tonowari stopped the Sully's.

"This is Ao'nung's fault. The blame is his." The chief spoke and put his hand on the back of Ao'nung's neck to push him down to his knee.

Jake nodded and was about to walk away again when Lo'ak stopped them this time "No. The fault is not Ao'nung's. I wanted to go, he tried to talk me out of it."

No one said anything but everyone was surprised that Lo'ak took the blame. Jake took Lo'ak's arm and the Sully's walked away.

"Is this true?" Ronal hissed at her son.

"Dad I-" Lo'ak started but Jake interrupted him harshly and Lo'ak tried to explain himself again that he wanted to make friends with the metkayina boys but Jake didn't listen, like always.

Jake continued to chew Lo'ak out until he said something everyone shocked.

"You brought shame to this family."

Kristy clenched her fists. How could he say that? It wasn't even true.
Lo'ak became teary eyes but he walked away before anyone could really see them or say anything.

"Where were you two?" Neytiri turned to Neteyam and Kristy.

"Yeah. You're supposed to watch him." Jake said.

"Sorry sir." Neteyam apologized and Kristy frowned. All this was so unfair.

"It's not Neteyam's fault." Kristy said a bit quite but she was heard.


"You're the parents. You're supposed to watch him." Kristy told Jake and lifted her arms slightly in frustration "Neteyam isn't even an adult yet. He has to learn and grow, he needs time to himself and shouldn't always look after his siblings." Kristy spoke and her voice grew croaky the more she did.

Jake and Neytiri looked at each other, slightly blown off because Kristy never talked back to them.

"And Lo'ak tried. These kids just make it really hard. They tricked him, he didn't knew and it's not his fault either." Kristy's frown deepened as she talked "You're still too hard on them. They're just kids." She mumbled.
"Let them live, let them make their own decisions and mistakes. They'll learn." Kristy pursed her lips when she finished and tried not to cry. She gazed up at the two adults in front of her.

They looked at her with sad eyes and Kristy thought she hurt their feelings. She felt bad now. Maybe she should've kept quite. They are the parents, she shouldn't interwine with this.

"Oh I'm so sor-"

"You're right." Jake interrupted Kristy with a small nod.


"You're right." Jake sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose "I messed up."

"But you can make it right." Kristy suggested and Jake looked at her.
"Apologies to them. Bond with them and spend time with them. No lectures, no lessons, just fun. Make them happy." Kristy shrugged with a small smile and Jake smiled back with a nod.

"Thank you."


Kristy saw Lo'ak walking away from Ao'nung and approached the metkayina boy "What did you say?"

"I asked him why he took the blame."

Kristy nodded at Ao'nung's answer and watched Lo'ak's retreating figure.


Kristy turned her head to look at Ao'nung who was already looking down at her "I wanna be your friend too."


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