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Neteyam pushed Ao'nung to face Jake as Kristy arrived behind them.
Jake and Kiri turned around to look at them and Neteyam pointed at his father "Tell him what you told us!"

Ao'nung looked down in shame before he admitted what he did to Lo'ak.

Shortly after that they went to Tonowari and half of the village was now out in search for Lo'ak.


Kristy stood next to Neteyam as they anxiously waited for news. They wanted to help, fly over the land and water and find find lo'ak but they weren't allowed.

It could be so much faster.


Neteyam turned his head to see Ao'nung standing next to Kristy but she ignored him. The fish boy looked at her pleasingly, glancing at Neteyam for a milli second before focusing on the girl next to him "Kristy, listen."

"Go away-"

"Please, just a second. I want to talk. Explain."

Kristy grazed her teeth with her tongue. Ao'nung already explained what he and his friends did. What could he possibly left out to tell her just now?
Kristy turned her head even further away from Ao'nung and he rolled his eyes as he bit the inside of his cheek.

Why is he even trying? And why can't he stop it?


"Don't call me that."

"Can we talk in private?" Ao'nung tried again and stretched his hand out.

Neteyam watched everything from Kristy's other site and eyed Ao'nung in suspiciousness. Why is he so desperate?

Ao'nung sighed in annoyance and clenched his jaw for a second. She's driving him nuts right now.
"Kristy." He spoke sternly and grabbed her wrist.

Neteyam didn't waist a second and grabbed Ao'nung's wrist that was holding onto Kristy's "You better let her go."

Ao'nung glared at Neteyam and the forest boy did it right back.

"She doesn't wanna talk to you." Neteyam said in a low voice.

The two boys glared at each other, neither of them backing down and Kristy grew a bit worried.

Her gaze switched between the two boys and she put her free hand on Ao'nung's that was holding her wrist "Guys. Stop it."

"We don't have time for this bullshit. Neteyam let him go." Kristy said to him before turning to Ao'nung "And you let me go."

Ao'nung nodded silently. He didn't want to fight, not in front of Kristy again and not with Neteyam —someone dear to Kristy— He didn't want to make things worse.

Ao'nung let go of Kristy and Neteyam did the same to him as he stepped back and next to the girl.

Kristy walked through the arm length gap between Neteyam and Ao'nung and walked away "You better talk fast."

Ao'nung needed a second to realize that Kristy is willing to let him talk and when he did he immediately ran after her.

They stopped a bit away from the village and Kristy turned to face Ao'nung with crossed arms "You better hurry." She mumbled.

"Okay! I'm so sorry for all that. For messing with your family and putting Lo'ak in danger and all. My friends had the idea and I went with it." Ao'nung told her.
"Why? Why did you bring lo'ak outside the reef when you know he could die?" Kristy asked.
"I wanted to get back to him for the fight. And like I said my friends got the idea." Ao'nung mumbled the last part.

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