"I mean," Moon continued, glancing between Qibli and Eclipse periodically. "Judging dragons by their dark thoughts, and using that to justify spying on them? Lots of dragons think dark things sometimes; it doesn't mean they'll ever actually do them. Almost half the NightWings in the rainforest had an occasional fantasy about killing Glory and stealing the throne, but most of the time they're just grateful to be alive and fed. I don't know, I guess I don't like to think of myself as sneaking around in dragons' heads. I can't help what I hear; but it doesn't seem fair to do it on purpose. I mean, unless we're catching a murderer, like now."

"Hmmm," he said, but before his thoughts could swoop off on that tangent, he shook his head and stepped back. "Let's go find Onyx. She seems like the best suspect we have left."

"We can't hear her thoughts," Eclipse said, turning to face Qibli. 

"How will we learn anything from her?" Moon questioned as well. 

He grinned. "The old-fashioned way. With our eyes and ears. 

That sounded inefficient to Eclipse, but she followed the SandWing either way, Moon following closely. They trotted over to the cave entrance where most of the dragonets had gone, ducking out into the sunshine. Everyone seemed to want to be out in the light. It felt sort of inappropriate how gorgeous and sunny it was outside, an early morning full of whistling birdsong and humming bumblebees among the purple mountain flowers. 

Eclipse noticed that most of the dragonets were staying in clumps with others from their own tribes. Flame had slithered back into the mountain, but the other three SkyWings took to the air together, beating their huge wings and soaring as high as they could. She saw Coconut and two subdued RainWings find a large swathe of sunlit grass and lie down; spreading their wings. Umber and Marsh had gone to check on Sora, but the other two MudWings were tramping down the mountain together, looking for a cool, muddy spot. 

"So much for our winglets," Qibli said. 

"It's only been a couple of days," Moon said. It was true - she felt as though she'd been here for months, but really she'd stood right here with Moon and their mother barley four days ago. "Maybe the winglets will stick together more once we all know each other better."

"If we get the chance to know each other better," Eclipse said sourly. Her neck had begun to ache and it was irritating her. 

Anemone brushed past them, leading Turtle, Pike, and the other SeaWings. She cast an arch look around at the other dragonets. 

I could find out who did it in two shakes of my tail, she thought indignantly. But Tsunami won't let me. Shouldn't use my powers! When it's something important like this? She shook her wings and tossed her head. Maybe she'll change her mind by the time we get back. 

"Are you sure this is safe?" Pike asked her. "Going to the lake? You could be attacked -"

"Not with all you strapping dragons along to defend me," Anemone said, shooting him a smile. Ha, she thought to herself. I'm more dangerous than any of you, if I have to be.

Her mind flashed to an image of her own claws holding a spear, then a dragon disappearing in a cloud of bubbles and slithering green shapes. She shuddered and forced her thoughts back to the mountain skies. "Come on, let's go."

Eclipse watched them soar away and wondered what Anemone was capable of. 

From beside her Qibli was thinking the same about Turtle. But he turned instead toward the clump of SandWings who had found a stretch of flat grey boulders and were baking their scales in the sun. Sprawled comfortably in the middle of them was Onyx, whose black forked tongue kept flicking in and out. Seeing her with all the others, it was clear how much older - and bigger - she was. She was no dragonet; Eclipse couldn't understand why she was here. Maybe she had a goal in mind. Maybe she was a spy, working for a certain SkyWing. 

Wings of Fire - Eclipse Burning (1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang