Chapter 14

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Winter's words had an instant effect on the other three dragonets. 

He's right, Kinkajou realized. How - what -

Turtle's mind was as quiet as ever, but he shifted on his talons and gave them a curious frown. 

Worst of all was Qibli. How did they know? They couldn't have done this - could they? They're dragons with secrets, and Thorn said not to trust NightWings - but why would they? I know I haven't figured her out yet, but I don't see violence in Moon. And I don't see malice in Eclipse. And yet, how did they know? But if they set the fire, why would they try to stop us from going in? But surely she wouldn't - she couldn't have - I can't believe I'm thinking this - 

"You didn't - sorry, but - you didn't have anything to do with -" he started. 

"No!" Moon cried. "Of course not!" She brushed away tears, trying to keep her voice steady. "I would never hurt anyone." 

Eclipse found something in herself to pushed her body off of Moon, and staggered forward. Crouching low, she opened her wings as much as she could to shield her sister, breathing heavily. 

"I know," Qibli said, but not convincingly. She was better at hunting than anyone expected. There is strength beneath those scales. In the right circumstances, wouldn't any dragon be capable of hurting another? Even her? But why? And Eclipse has always shown her strength, but never has she shown a disregard for the dragons around her. She doesn't seem like the type to hurt another dragon without reason. She's a protector. So why. . .

"If you didn't do it, then do you know who did?" Turtle asked. He hadn't spoken since the blast; he hadn't moved from his spot by the wall until he came chasing after them. He looked shaken, but not destroyed. Eclipse wondered what he was thinking. Did he suspect them, too?

"Or maybe you saw something?" Kinkajou suggested hopefully. "Something that warned you?"

That might work, Darkstalker said. At least two of them want to believe that; start with that lie and build from there. 

I don't want to tell them any lies. Moon pointed out. Even ones they want to believe. 

Moon pressed her front talons together, sharing a feeling of wrenching fear with Eclipse. Their mothers' words echoing in their heads. Never never tell anyone about your curse. Never let anyone find out. It will be the end of everything. 

"There's only one explanation," Winter hissed over Eclipse's shoulder. "You did this. You set that fire. I don't know why yet, but I will find out." he was accusing Moon, not Eclipse. He had his suspicions about her but a part of him refused to believe Eclipse had any part of this.  

The other explanation was there, hovering at the edge of his mind, but he couldn't bring himself to believe it yet. He'd been so sure - so sure - that the NightWings were lying about their powers all along. 

Eclipse twisted her neck to look down at Moon. The decision to tell them is yours. You already know where I stand with this. She wanted them to know. She'd wanted everyone to know the moment she walked into the NightWing village for the first time. 

"I swear I didn't," Moon said, glancing at Eclipse's eyes. "Please believe me."

"Can't you tell us how you knew?" Kinkajou pleaded. 

Eclipse turned back to meet Winters eyes, a silent plead held within her green eyes. Winter's eyes softened for a moment, before tearing his eyes away and looking back at Moon.

Moon didn't speak. She couldn't it seemed. A pounding fear seemed to stop her from saying anything more. 

Winter stared at Moon for a long minute, and then glanced at Eclipse. He then lashed his tail, spikes clattering against the stubby pillars dotting the floor. "I will give you one chance, NightWing. You have until midnight tomorrow to tell me the truth - or I'm going to tell everyone what you did." He took a step forward, bumping his chest against Eclipse's and stretching his neck past her wings. 

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