"Mi hija. You can do the dishes for me if you want to help." She pointed to the mountain of dishes. I walked over to them, and I turned on the tap to watch the water run. It's funny how H²O comes in different states of matter, seeing as it can become ice and then a gas, but it could still be called H²O.

I finished doing the last of the dishes, and I think Ms Velasquez finished making a meal. I was hungry, and I could use food right about now.

"So where were you?" She turned to ask me, and my body tensed up. Come on, brain, you can memorise what the molecular structure of Trimethylamine, but you can't think of a simple excuse?

"Umm. Sleepover?" It came as more of a question. Why do I even do that?

"Sure. Is he your boyfriend?" She asked nonchalantly, gesturing to a bothered Matteo who is being pestered by a kid. I'm surprised he hasn't even considered killing him yet. Or maybe he is.

"No. We're just friends." I shrugged, sitting on one of the table seats.

"Come on, Mi hija. I might be old, but I'm not that old. I could see the emotion through the eyes that you like him." She said, and it is true, I like Matteo. I'm attracted to him, but sometimes I feel that I do not want to be attracted to him. And Ms Velazquez does not look a day over 20.

Since she saw me not responding. She changed the topic and gave me a plate full of food to give to Matteo. I nodded, grateful that she did not pester too much on it.

I walked to Matteo, and he his facial softened when he saw me, but he looked like he wanted to disintegrate Milo. "I was teaching the guy how to get a  woman." Milo said, and I chuckled. If only Milo knew that half the population of women in this world wanted him.

"Your information was irrelevant to me. You're just a simple-minded kid." He waved him off as he dug in his food.

"Big words like that is why women won't want you." Milo pointed out while folding his arms. "My point." Matteo pointed to Milo, who pouted.

"You're arguing with a kid." I said, giving him an 'are you kidding' looking. He responded,'Yes' with the eyes. I rolled my eyes at him, and he rolled his back. This continued until my eyes were sore.

I sat beside him on the couch, and Milo was just about to sit with us on the couch, but Matteo pulled me closer to him so Milo couldn't sit in between us.

"Really?" I asked while digging into this food, and Matteo shrugged while eating the food.  Milo folded his arms and looked at me with puppy dog eyes. I could resist thoughs so I took him to sit on top of my lap.

Matteo gave me a look, a dangerous look. I shrugged.

"So. Matteo. What do you do?" Ms Velazquez asked, looking at him inquisitively. I expected Matteo to tense up, but instead, he relaxed.

"I'm a doctor." He said, and I raised an eyebrow. The irony in this statement is too much. He is a doctor, yet he kills people at the same time.

"Oh, that's nice. That reminds me. We need to get ready to see Miley. Her surgery will start at 3 pm." She said, taking her plate along with ours. I was not even done eating that. I immediately tensed. I didn't know that Miley's surgery was now.

"Is he coming with?" Milo asked as he got off my lap. I looked at him expectedly.

"I do not like children, but if I must keep this one and his grubby little hands off you. So yeah. I am." Matteo stood up, and Milo was practically angry that nothing could've prevented this from happening. Matteo is seriously jealous of  a kid.

Milo pulled me to a corner in the house.

"Princessa, I do not like him." Milo pouted as if he was on the verge of tears. I sometimes forget that he's a child.

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