when we walked in i saw cho gesturing me to sit on her table but i signalled that i already had partners. i could see a visible frown form on her face as she huffed and turned away. i felt bad but i needed to make new friends.  hermoine sat beside me while ron and harry faced us from the other side of the table. professor snape walked in the room, his cape blowing in the wind. i couldn't shake the memories i had from time travelling just a few days ago and i wondered if he remembers me. it was as if he could read my mind because in that exact moment we made eye contact and i felt shivers go up my spine. i saw his eyes soften, his hard exterior slowly fading. he glanced at harry and his gaze hardened once again. i understood the situation a lot better now. in a way i felt bad, but taking it out on a child wasn't the answer. it never was. 

surprisingly, i did not fall asleep to professor snape's drawling voice. his tone remained the same but i could tell he had a passion for the subject by the way his eyes glimmered while talking. his determination and love for the subject energised me as i followed his instructions carefully. hermoine was my potions partner and together we made a great team, finishing the potion before everyone else. we were making a wolsbane potion. snape walked over to us and inspected the potion. giving a curt nod, he announced that he was rewarding us 5 housepoints. this shocked everyone in the room- including me. he rarely gave anyone other than slytherin housepoints for something as simple as completing a potion. i looked at him strangely and i saw recognition in his eyes. shit. 

"do you want to sit with us at lunch later y/n?" hermoine asked sweetly which broke me out of my train of thought.

"o-oh. uh sorry i have to meet someone later and it's my free period after meaning i'll be booked with piles of homework to finish. maybe tomorrow?" i said, my cheeks red from embarrassment. i hated rejection and rejecting anyone. hermoine let me know that she understood and continued babbling on about the history of hogwarts that she read from a book. 

few minutes later, snape dismissed us and students rushed out of the dungeons. i wished the trio goodbye and made my way to find draco when i caught the attention of someone else. "hey y/n!" i stopped at the unfamiliar voice and turned around. it was a slytherin boy who towered over me and looked into my soul with his emerald eyes. i noticed his chestnut hair was messed up- most likely from running to catch up to me. i raised an eyebrow- what did a slytherin want from me? he cleared his throat and gave a cheeky grin, "i heard from professor snape that you're quite talented in potions...and well. i'm not. i was wondering if you could tutor me? not for free of course! i'm willing to pay-" i stopped his rambling with a giggle. "gosh. calm down. i wouldn't say talented but i work hard in his classes. i could totally tutor you. you don't need to pay don't worry." he let out a relieved sigh and stuck out his hand.

"i'm theodore nott." i shook his hand not bothering to introduce myself as he seemed to know who i was already. "well if you're free we could start tomorrow during lunch?" he thought about it and nodded giving me that cheeky grin that i noticed he wore very often. "see you y/n." i watched him walk away with a skip in his step. odd boy. 

i continued my search for draco and stopped when i saw a tuft of blonde hair peeking from behind the wall.

"i can see you draco." i laughed as draco stepped from behind the wall looking shy. i immediately stopped laughing when he handed me flowers? tulips specifically.

"here. i was wondering if you wanted to go to hogsmeade with me? go shopping y'know. i figured girls like that." i hummed and remembered i had a free period. i was planning on doing homework but then again i hated rejection people.

"yeah sure. let's head out?" i said while casting a spell to bring my coat with me as it was snowing. we headed towards hogsmeade when i put my hand in my coat pockets and cursed under my breath. draco seemed to have heard it as he looked me concerned, "what is it?" 

"i left my wallet." i groaned. how could i be so stupid? going shopping without a wallet!

"oh. when i said shopping i meant that i'll pay for everything." i looked at him with a gaping mouth and stuttered.

"i can't accept that from you draco!" yet he only chuckled at my outburst and grabbed my hand, "either accept it or i'll force you to." "so you're saying i have no choice?" i shook my head and let out an exasperated laugh when he nodded gleefully. "i'll repay you somehow." i said while looking at my hand intertwined with his. 

i saw draco eyeing a designer store down the block then checking my coat out. "for someone whose family is richer than mine, you have horrible taste in clothing." i feigned offence as i put a hand on my chest and gasped. "how could you? i just don't have expensive taste." this was true. despite growing up in a rich family, i learned to stay humble. draco ignored my protests as he dragged me into the store. i looked around in awe at the stunning dresses and article of clothings that i would never dare get- even though i could afford it. i tried on some silly dresses and scarves with funky hats and huge sunglasses and modelled them for draco. we laughed at all the crazy fits i put together. then, draco handed me a red satin dress that had spaghetti straps and a low cut v neck. he also gave me a pearl necklace, a fur coat and white silk gloves. to pair with everything, a black vs mini bag and red louboutin heels. i tried them on carefully, scared that i'll break anything and cost draco a hefty bill. 

i walked out of the dressing room feeling self conscious at my body and draco seemed to notice my discomfort. he stood up and spun me around to face the mirror. he whispered in my ear, "you look gorgeous y/n. do you like it?" i nodded with a heavy blush on my face from the proximity and his warm breath hitting my nape. draco proceeded to walk to the counter and hand them a black credit card. my eyes widened and i ran over to draco, "you don't need to get me this! i can pay for myself." he waved me off and grinned, "you can wear that to our next date. think of this as a gift." the cashier rolled his eyes at our public display of 'affection'. 

even after we left the store, i continued to shower draco with words of gratitude and apologies. he only replied with a chuckle and a soft, "it's really okay y/n. i'll always spend money on you." i frowned slightly feeling bad when a certain shop caught my eye. i stopped abruptly and draco did too. he saw me staring at a diamond necklace with a green emerald in the middle. i was enchanted by its beauty that i didn't notice draco walking into the store. i was snapped out of my trance when i saw draco taking the necklace. i cursed at myself inwardly and ran into the shop to find draco buying the necklace!

"draco the clothes were enough by now this?" i said embarrassed i made him spend so much money on me.

he turned to me with a soft smile, "you're really dumb you know that y/n?" i looked at him weirdly. what'd that mean? 

we walked out of the store, draco's bag filled with bags containing several items like school materials, clothes, jewellery and so much more. 

when we arrived to the outside of my common room draco handed me the bags and i realised how much i owed him. i plucked up the courage and kissed his cheek, running into the common room before i could see his reaction. the last thing i saw was his expression. his eyes were as wide as saucers, his lips slightly open and his face was as red as a tomato. i panted when i reached inside and collapsed on my bed. i giggled at the memories i made today and glanced at the corner of the room which had piles of bags on the floor. i heard the dorm shower being turned off and luna walked out, towel wrapped around her head. she almost tripped on one of the bags and i stood up, helping her and apologising profusely. 

"where'd you get those from y/n?" luna said airily as she sat on her bed and drying her hair. 

i shrugged and a cheeky grin played on my lips. i fell back on to the bed and had dreams of a certain platinum haired boy.

A/N: YUHHHHH chapter9 a long one...anywayz recommend more characters for me to write y/n's interactions wif. thankz lovelies

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