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10 years later, day. Behind a welcome sign,  a GHSD Ford Crown Victoria P.I sitting by the roadside along with a police officer named ''Tom Wachowski'', who is holding a red gun, trying to find speeding drivers passing through, but none are in sight.

"Come on, one car...?"

He shakes his hand a little from holding the radar gun for too long, and starts messing around after boredom kicks acting like he's actually trying to catch speeding drivers (only to have the side of his face smacked against what he's holding at one point in time). After a while, Tom finally puts it aside.

"I'm bored!"

Suddenly, he hears his radio pick up a signal from another police officer on the other end.

"Tom, do you read me? Are you there?"

"No, Wade, i'm actually on a yacht in Barbados...with Rihanna"

"OMG, that's amazing; please send pics!"

Green Hills, Montana, day. The scene changes back and forth between these two places until the last line of dialogue.

"No, Wade, i'm at the speed trap"

"Already? How did you get back so fast; Barbados is in the ocean!"

"Hang on, i think I got something"

Tom takes his radar gun and aims it at... a slow-moving turtle. The device shows the target speed of the turtle to be ''001 MPH''.

"Hey, buddy! Where's the fire? Got kids living around here!"

The turtle doesn't take much notice as it continues strolling along the road.

"I thought it was kinda funny...sorry"

He then takes his glasses off... just as a blue trail speeds by his car. The radar gun detected the target's speed to be 296 MPH.


Tom checks the radar gun and the road in front of him... only to see nothing... But then the blue trail speeds by again, setting off his radar gun once again and showing him the target's speed being 300 this time. As he fidgets with it (mostly checking to see if it's working properly), he doesn't notice a peculiar blue creature celebrating his new speed record behind the patrol car. Confused to see it working fine, Tom departs his vehicle and walks along the road, pondering the situation... only to stumble upon an abnormally flattened section of the flatgrass. At the center of it was, which he kneels down to pick it up and inspect it. Suddenly, Tom hears Wade on the radio, sounding serious.

"Tom, we need you down on Main Street; there's been a violent gang shoot-out"

He then leaves in his patrol car, with his red and blue emergency lights blazing. ...Wade laughs.

"Just kidding; A duck stole a bagel. But they do need it back"

As his car fades into the background, the turtle from earlier continues to stroll by across the road, not noticing an oncoming truck approaching. ...but just then, the blue blue trail speeds past the left side of the screen, taking the turtle with it. And a few seconds later, the camera shows an older-looking Sonic carrying the turtle on his hands.

"Whoa, buddy; you almost got yourself killed out there! What are you, some kind of adrenaline junkie?"

He gently pets its head with his finger as he ''talks'' to it.

"It must be rough being slow all the time. ...tell you what? Today... is your lucky day!"

He then proceeds to give it a full-speed ride down the road (as it comically smiles).

THE BAD GUYS IN: SONIC THE HEDGEHOG Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя