32: Shine

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A week passed by before you knew it, and anticipation loomed as you drew closer to Shigaraki's return without any new information on his location. Toga had spent the week training with you as you rehabilitated from the injuries you'd gathered over the past while, and you were more than glad for the distraction. Your leg was almost healed with the help of a couple of healing quirks and multiple trips to the infirmary. At night, you used your shadows to continue sleuthing.

Dabi was far more active than usual, and your curiosity had you watching his movements more often than not. His dealings with Skeptic in the dead of night hadn't stopped, and you were drawn to the conclusion that whatever he was hiding had something to do with those conversations. Unfortunately for you, Skeptic suddenly decided to keep his lights on at all times. Dabi's doing, most likely. Though it made you wonder what exactly he was so focused on keeping from you, and why he would think you'd go snooping.

Your first thought was that maybe he didn't trust you, and never had. The second was that his observance had paid off, and he knew you a little better than you thought he did.

You still hadn't forgotten the charred remnants of the photo you'd found, though without the remainder of it you were searching in the dark. Flame quirks weren't uncommon, and though you'd searched through every resource at your disposal for a link matching Dabi to any record of children born with that kind of quirk, you'd come up blank. Unusually so. The only interesting thing you managed to find was a police report of a wildfire on Sekoto Peak a decade ago that could only be explained by an errant quirk, though all other records of it seemed to be buried.

With Dabi occupied for the day and Toga away with Twice, you were utterly bored. Enough so that you'd taken multiple laps around the compound in search of anything remotely interesting. Geten offering to watch a movie with you evidently hadn't made the cut. Defeated, you trudged back to your room to take another nap. Only, when you stepped inside, something caught your eye.

A slight smile graced your lips as you picked up the feather lying on top of your pillow, along with a note scrawled in pretty black ink.

Meet me at 7.
You won't need your knives.

You turned it over, reading an address printed on the back. "Mildly interesting." But given the way your heart skipped a beat, that was a complete and utter lie. You ran your finger along the spine of the feather he left you. "I'll see you at seven, Hawks."


Admittedly, you were slightly excited. Enough that you'd returned to your apartment in the city with a few hours to spare and ransacked every drawer in your bedroom to find what could only be the perfect outfit. You didn't entirely know why you were so focused on this, but given you'd never been taken on an actual date before, that might have something to do with it.

It's not a date, you scolded yourself. Definitely not.

If it was that would... complicate things. Your feelings had already gotten you in enough trouble with that other person. And Hawks, he was... different from you. Someone like him couldn't... Well, it didn't matter because it most certainly wasn't a date.

Regardless, you chose a long, sleek, black dress you'd bought with no idea if you'd ever wear it, along with a coat of the same shade to wear over it, given the chill still in the air. The fabric clung to you better than your catsuit did, and you couldn't help the saccharine little smirk that curled your lips as you twirled for yourself in the mirror. The neckline dipped low enough to give a taste but left wanting for more.

Feathers and Flame // Dabi x Reader x HawksWhere stories live. Discover now