15: Beautiful Liars

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There was sunlight coming in through the curtains. One, thick band of translucent gold that warmed your face, coaxing you out of your slumber and back into consciousness in the most delicate of ways. Your arms stretched out, reaching for something next to you that had been there all night, but you found nothing but soft sheets and fluffy blankets. In the few fleeting moments that followed that, nothing was different. Once you cracked an eye open, however, the world descended upon you.

Every sinful memory of Dabi's body enveloping yours, his fingers exploring every inch of your skin and the moans he stole from you came tumbling into your mind. A cherry red blush stained from your neck to the tips of your ears, and you squeezed your thighs together to smother the memory of him between them.

I am so completely fucked...

The irony in that thought was not lost on you, but you had little time to dwell on your current predicament when a familiar deep, smooth voice said, "Good morning."

You whipped your head around, fixing your gaze on Dabi. He was standing just inside from the door, leaned against the wall in nothing but a pair of sweatpants which gave you an oh-so-perfect view of the skin you were running your fingers over mere hours ago. Amusement was woven through his smirk and you knew he'd watched you just now, seeing the lightbulb flick on in your mind and realisation dawn on you.

"Good morning."

You pulled yourself into a seating position only to realise you were completely butt-ass naked and you scrambled to gather some duvet around yourself, earning you a laugh from the infuriating villain who watched your torment.

"There's a ceremony this afternoon," Dabi said, crossing his arms over his chest. "Some stupid pomp to officially make Shigaraki the commander. They're making everyone else lieutenants, but you're with me as my second."

As my second. Your heart twisted in your chest. Does he trust me enough for this?

"Sounds like a load of crap," you said, flopping back down onto the bed. "Does this mean I'll be tagging along with you to make sure you don't get stabbed in the back?"

"Among other things," he replied, a playful grin tugging his mouth. "Don't pretend you don't love it."

A smirk found its way onto your lips. "And why is that?"

Dabi's turquoise eyes raked over your bare shoulders and down to where you were hiding the rest, not bothering to conceal the desire that flared in them. "I don't think I need to remind you, princess." He paused, lips twisting into a smirk. "But I'd be happy to jog your memory if you want."

You rolled your eyes, ignoring the flare of heat in your core. "You wish."

Dabi winked at you and you fought the urge to throw something at his smug face. He raked a hand through his dark hair, as if he wanted it as unruly as possible. "Oh, and I almost forgot to tell you Twice is making pancakes again."

You sighed, sinking further into your sheets. "And?"

Facing reality didn't seem like something you planned on doing for at least another few hours. You'd need a long, hot shower and some TLC, coupled with deep reflection on the past twenty-four hours and what flawed character traits you possessed that brought you to this current moment and the complete dumpster-fire of a situation you were in. Right now, pancakes were the least of your concerns.

"Doesn't sound like an issue," Dabi started, and you were growing increasingly suspicious of the mischievous grin on his lips. "But... Toga mentioned she would go find you when they were done. Need I remind you that you aren't currently in your own bedroom?"

Feathers and Flame // Dabi x Reader x HawksWhere stories live. Discover now