Arc 4: Children of the Axalon

Start from the beginning

And here they are in their robot forms, as you can see by their overtly-edgelord designs (and the Decepticon insignias on their jackets in their human forms) they're clearly meant to be bad guys. also Lance rides a purple-and-yellow motorcycle, if that sounds familiar then it should (wink wink hint hint).

this arc begins with Sari and the Autobots learning of the Circuit Breakerz biker gang who've been causing chaos in the streets of detroit, disrupting traffic by riding their motorcycles not obeying the rules of the road, looting stores stealing whatever stuff they want, and causing violence whenever they go. all the crimes committed by these troublemaking teens has been giving Captain Fanzone (and his new robo-deputy Barricade) along with the rest of the Detroit police department a headache, leading to Fanzone resorting to ask the Autobots for help. Sari volunteers, as she believes herself to be the best qualified since she might be able to relate to them since they're all kids her physical age. She then has a run-in with Lance Fernandez, who doesn't know who she is thus is unaware that she's with the autobots. 

Lance and Sari start flirting, the two hitting it off pretty well with Lance offering to bring Sari to his secret hideout if she promises not to tell any of her friends, offering her a ride on his suspiciously familiar-looking purple-and-yellow mo...

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Lance and Sari start flirting, the two hitting it off pretty well with Lance offering to bring Sari to his secret hideout if she promises not to tell any of her friends, offering her a ride on his suspiciously familiar-looking purple-and-yellow motorcycle. Lance then takes Sari on a ride to the super-secret lair of the Circuit Breakerz biker gang, located in an abandoned train station in the middle of Detroit known as Michigan Central Station (which is a real place look it up) the place is filled with rebellious runaway teenage boys and girls of different shapes and sizes all decked out in leather biker gear some sporting tattoos and wild haircuts. the lair serves as a hangout where the Circuit Breakerz can relax and be themselves, with Arcade games, a pinball table, and even a basketball hoop, all stuff that they stole during their daily routines of looting. Lance introduces Sari to Josie Beller, the leader of the Circuit Breakerz biker gang. she explains to Sari that she, Lance, and the other kids are all outcasts who ran away from home because they felt like they didn't belong, many weren't accepted by their peers or parents for what they are. Lance and Josie reveal that they are techno-organics: human/cybertronian hybrids just like Sari, along with all the other kids in the Circuit Breakerz. Josie then recounts the backstory of the Axalon to Sari which blows her mind, Lance saying that they are all "Children of the Axalon"

 Josie then recounts the backstory of the Axalon to Sari which blows her mind, Lance saying that they are all "Children of the Axalon"

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