Chapter 10: You Can't Be A Getaway Driver Without A Getaway Car

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In which Tommy's luck worsens as usually and has an unfortunate run-in with not one, not two not three- oops- three heroes.

(Daniel is kinda loveable tho...)
sorry this took a lot longer than anticipated, i've been busy in all!

"Hey! Watch where you're going, dickhead," Tommy sneered as his shoulder crashed into another, his hand quickly plunged deeply into a coat pocket that wasn't his own.

"Sorry," The man mumbled back, his eyes never leaving his phone and his rushed pace never faltering.

A triumphant smile curled on Tommy's lips as his hand brushed cool metal; he looped his finger through the keychain and withdrew his hand. His fist quickly closed around the bundle of keys, not that he cared for the majority of them. All he cared for was the black car key. The man continued to stride down the street indifferently, his head angled down and gaze glued to his phone.

As the two parted ways, the distance growing with each step, Tommy tugged his hood over his head and pulled a mask over his face – after his unfortunate encounter with Ignis, he had decided that perhaps it would be a good idea to avoid wearing insultingly cheap replicas of superhero masks. So, much to his boredom, Tommy had replaced his Ignis mask with a plain black mask that sat on the lower half of his face.

His eyes darted across the street, his gaze glossing over the rows of cars lined up against the side of the road.

It was a dark night, with small drops of rain hitting the pavement as a heavy mist flooded the streets. Still, even with the white blur that settled across his vision, his focus eventually landed on a Shelby Mustang; it was a sleek, white car with a dark blue stripe running through the centre of the vehicle. It was a stunning, original 1965 model and Tommy had instantly fallen in love with it.

Tommy dared to steal a glance over his shoulder and he watched as the man disappeared around the corner, completely oblivious to the robbery which had just occurred.

Running across the desolate street, Tommy unlocked the car with a quiet click . He reached for the door, his hand even closing around the handle. But before he could tug the door open, a quiet, yet audible, thud tore his attention away from the car. Tommy's head snapped over his shoulder. An alleyway cut into the block of buildings behind him.

As hard as he squinted through the darkness, Tommy failed to note anything out of the ordinary. It was just an alleyway with a few dumpsters pressed up against the farthest wall. He wanted to believe that the noise was merely a rat. Yet, no matter how much he told himself this, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease which crawled across his skin.

Tentatively, he took a step forward into the shadowy street. And, as he ventured deeper and deeper into the alley, the feeling grew stronger. But still, there seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary.

Reassuring himself with adamancy that there was nothing wrong, he turned around.

Amidst the darkness, Tommy watched in horror as the air only a foot away from his face rippled and seemed to tear as a person appeared. As if this revelation wasn't shocking enough, Tommy felt an overwhelming kind of nausea when he realised that he actually recognised this person; he was decorated in all kinds of hues and shades of blue. Circular, white goggles masked his face and a pair of daggers sat fastened at his waist—it was Absens.

Absens was most notorious for being one of the heroes among The Big Three. He was well known for the strategic use of his superpower: invisibility. As one can imagine, this specific superpower allowed the hero to specialise in stealth attacks and spying. Many villains had been unmasked in the past thanks to Absens and his invisibility. Tommy could recall being sat in front of the TV, watching as members of The Syndicate fought blindly, swinging punches and grasping at handfuls of air, only for Absens to reveal himself behind the villain by landing a critical blow to the back of the head.

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