Chapter five

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200 hundred years have been since I turned. We soon found out that Klaus is my great great great great grandfather. So we soon found peace. We killed Silas. Esther soon joined our family along with the Mikelsons. Mikel made peace with us and we are a happy family. Carolie and Klaus is married, so is Elena and Stefan, Me and Damon, Finn and Sage and Elijha and Kathrine. She's actully pretty nice if you get through her very think shell. Jeremy is also a immortal. Since one of the five is immortal. He and Bonnie is also married. Bonnie is so powerful so she can practully become immortal. Tyler and Rebeckha was one of the more supriseing pareings. She is really nice with Tyler.

And I? Well I am the most powerful creaure on Earth. I even can make vampire babies. Yes that's right. I can bless a vampire couple with haveing a baby. The child grows up like a human, but they turn at the age of 18. They are like their parents. My daughter Reene have some magic, but not that much. Carolines and Klaus son Henry is a hibrid. Elenas and Stefans child Jenna and John are 'regular' vampire but Jenna is the next Patrova dubbelgänger. Elijha and Kathrine have a stunning son Willam.

I love my daughter. My life is perfect. We are called the Mikelsons, the most powerful vampire family on earth.

20 years ago we took over Voultori. There are 16 thorwns in Volterra. To resepent difrent kinds and witches. The orignal witch. Hibrid betwen werewolf and vampire. Two Petrova dubblegängers. Antother hibrid. Betwen a witch and vampire. Werewolf. Regular vampires. Witch and vampire slayer. Actully Jeremy was the head of sercuity. He trained the guards.

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