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Cuffs were on her wrists, restraining her powers. They threw her against the stone wall, her head hitting it as she groaned.

"Hah! She may be bulletproof, but she's not immune to pain," one of the men with accents chuckled.

Bailey didn't recognize her surroundings. It was dark and it was cold. She didn't know these men, and she didn't know why they were doing this.

Their uniforms looked strangely similar to the men from earlier. That's what led her to believe that they were from the same group of men.

The last thing Bailey remembered was being followed and then an arrow hitting her head. And then it had all went black.

She was kidnapped, a hostage, whatever you wanted to call it. Nothing made the situation any better.

Bailey wished she had listened to Pietro. He was right- like usual.

"Get away from me!" Bailey demanded as one of the tall men stepped closer.

"You've got a lot of nerve, little girl. The boss won't like it."

The boss?! Bailey didn't know what this place was, let alone who was the boss of it. She just knew that it was terrifying here and she wanted to go home to her adopted family.

"And who is that?"

"Hellebore. You'll meet him very soon."

Bailey assumed that was a last name. Hellebore didn't ring a bell. Before she could try and let out another sarcastic remark, the other man kicked her, causing her to fall to the ground weakly.

She held her hands onto her face where they was now a fairly sized bruise. This place was torture. Why was she being tortured by these men? What did Bailey ever do to deserve this?

The men left her alone, locking the door behind them. And they didn't return for a long time. They only returned to give her a small portion of food. 


at least Bailey assumed it was. There was only a very small window where she could see light coming out of.

The door creaked open, and she looked up from where she was on the floor. Chained up and beaten, Bailey Bolt was still determined to get out of her.

She wanted to see the Avengers again. She even wanted to see Pietro again.

The man that came this time was different. He looked even more serious (if that was possible).  He was more intimidating and he was both taller and more tattooed.

"Bailey Bolt. Finally, we meet." His accent was Sokovian, but it was a bit different than Pietro and Wanda's.

So, he knew her name. But she had no idea who he was.

"Who are you? Why are you doing this?" Bailey's sore voice croaked.

"You don't remember me?"

No, she didn't.

She didn't answer, but her answer was visible.

"I was part of the reason you had powers in the first place."

That was the problem. Bailey couldn't clearly remember how she got her powers. She had them for as long as she could remember, but everything before that was a blur.

Maybe this was why.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Because we wiped your memory. It turns out that instead you gained some sort of resistance to bullets."

That explained the bulletproof thing too.

"So why am I here?"

The man smirked, circling her spot on the ground. "You know who I am? I'm Hellebore. We experiment on humans and use them to fight for us. You were one of those humans, but you escaped from us long ago."

Why didn't Bailey remember any of this? She was shaking and spiraling in her own head. She had no memory of her past life of this Hellebore.

"So you're still stuck on something from years ago?" Bailey asked with a slight smirk. She knew she wasn't in any position to fight back against this guy, but she wasn't going to let him do this to her. Not again.

Hellebore looked down at her with a warning stare. "Watch your mouth. You know, a bulletproof soldier could really help us."

"In what way?"

"As a shield of sorts."

So, that's what she was meant to be? A shield?! Bailey wasn't going to be a shield for someone else- she wasn't going to take bullets for anyone she didn't have to. She took a bullet for Pietro because she wanted to, and she couldn't live without him.

"No. No I am not doing that. I'm not helping you. I don't care what your 'organization' is doing, I'm not helping-"

A strong hand suddenly clasped around Bailey's neck, cutting off her circulation. She struggled for air as Hellebore squeezed harder with an evil grin.

She could only manage to choke out one word. "Pietro!" she cried with a groan.

Hellebore stopped for a moment, amused. "Pietro. Is that your lover boy?"


It was true. Pietro was not her "lover boy". If anything, he was a friend.

"Whatever you say. But let's see if you can really resist bullets."

Without any other warning, Hellebore pulled a gun out. He continuously pulled the trigger, Bailey wincing every time.

For some reason, she felt pain this time. Not as much as a normal person would feel, but a good amount.

Just as expected, the bullets bounced right off her skin, only leaving bruises where they hit. Every time a bullet hit, she felt weaker. Just like she told Steve in the training room.

Hellebore was evil. And he didn't care. He just saw her as some pawn- someone that he could use to his advantage. And it was just because of her supernatural powers.

And apparently he may be the reason she has them in the first place. She had no idea what he didn't her before, but it didn't seem like it was anything good at all.

She felt sick. And then Bailey felt her vision leave her.

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