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Bailey woke up to Pietro sitting in a seat next to her hospital bed. His head lifted up he realized that she was finally awake.


It felt strange to hear her Avengers given nickname said by Pietro. But it sounded nice rolling off his tongue.

"Pietro. What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you, dragã."

Bailey just shook her head with a small laugh. "When will you ever tell me what these nicknames mean?"

"It's easy, prunc. You really don't know what printsessa means?"

Bailey knew it was probably obvious, but she honestly had no clue. "Um, not really?"

"You're an idiot."

"Be nice. I'm the one in the hospital bed."

Pietro got up off his chair, running his hand along her arm. Bailey tensed up, her cheeks growing a bit red.

"Does that hurt?"

One of the areas of skin was where a mark from a bullet was visible.


Pietro sighed in relief. He grabbed her hand. "Want to stand up?"

"Woah," she mumbled, looking down at the fact that Pietro Maximoff was holding her hand.

"Bruce wanted to run a test on you. And physical touch is still your love language, Bailey."

He was so right, but she hated admitting that to him. Bailey got up, looking up at a smirking Pietro. "Is not."

"Yeah right."

Pietro wasn't giving it up because his arm went around her, helping her walk out of the hospital room.

"I'm not hurt, Pietro."

He smiled at her. "Oh, I know."

Pietro's arm still remained around her.


Pietro made his view on Bruce's experiment idea very clear. Bruce wanted to try and shoot a bullet at Bailey and see if it did anything.

He wondered if somehow Bailey only survived the one in Sokvovia or if she was always bullet proof.

"Pietro, I'm sure I'll be fine..."

Bailey wasn't completely convinced. She really didn't want to be shot again, but maybe it was worth it to figure out if she truly was bulletproof.

"She's not doing it," Pietro stated, standing in tall in front of Bailey.

Bruce was really trying his best to convince Pietro. He knew it was ultimately up to Bailey but he didn't seem like he was going to let her. However, Bruce understood his concern. This was dangerous. What if the bullet actually hurt Bailey?

"It's really up to her-" Bruce started.

"I'll do it."

"Alright. I'd close your eyes, Bails. It might be scary to see."

She nodded as Bruce hesitantly pulled out a gun. Bailey gulped at the sight but stood strong.

Bruce saw her fear. "I promise that if anything goes wrong we'll get you to the medical wing immediately. I won't shoot anywhere that would significantly hurt you if you're not bulletproof."

"Are you ready?"

Right as she was about to nod, a silver blur grabbed her, bringing her all the way to the other side of the floor they were on in the compound.

"Pietro! I said I would do it."

He held her in his arms, restricting her movement. "No."


"I'm not letting anything happen to you. You protected me. I'm protecting you."

She sighed but smiled a little bit. What Pietro was doing was truly adorable.

"Just let me do it, you big baby."

Pietro's face lit up. "You called me baby?"

"No, big baby."

"Same thing."

"Oh, shut up. Please just let me do it."

Pietro sighed in defeat. "Ok."

He followed Bailey as she returned to Bruce. "I'm ready now."

Pietro leaned against the wall, watching the experiment very closely. He was going to make sure Bailey was safe if anything did happen.

Bailey closed her eyes and Bruce pulled the trigger. The bullet hit her skin, but Bailey stood there, not even reacting.

"Did you do it yet?"

She opened her eyes to the find the answer. There was a small red mark from where Bruce shot at.

"Bailey, I think you are bullet proof," Bruce said in amazement.

"Oh my gosh," Bailey muttered to herself. She realized that the bullet marks from the other day were almost gone too.

If it wasn't for this newly discovered power she would have died days ago. But she risked her life for Pietro not knowing she would survive. And she didn't regret any of it.

Pietro walked back over to them, looking at Bailey. "You're ok?"

"Yes. Apparently I'm bulletproof too."

"You still risked your life for me."

"I did."


"Because I'm a good person, Pietro." Bailey looked down up and then up. If she did it because of basic morals why did she only move when she saw that it was Pietro, not Clint?

"Not because it was me?"

Pietro leaned against the doorframe, his hand gently touching where Bruce had just shot her. "I'd take a bullet for you too, you know that?"

Bailey could see it in his eyes. Pietro was genuine, and he was serious. He really would do the same for her knowing that he wasn't bullet proof at all.

Her face warmed up, her much smaller hand meeting Pietro's. "Of course you would. You love me."

The somewhat serious moment was interrupted by a tease, but neither one of them were surprised. It was like their thing.

Pietro tucked a strand of dark hair behind her ear. "Cant deny that, printsessa," he whispered.

Bailey knew he was joking. He was joking.

They could only stare for a bit longer before Wanda walked in on them. "Oh?" her Sokovian accent muttered.

Her twin and Bailey turned, a bit embarrassed. Pietro smirked, peering over at his sister. "My dragã turned out to actually be bulletproof."

Wanda raised an eyebrow at her brother, clearly concerned about whatever he said. It was probably the nickname. Bailey had no idea what they meant. He could be calling her something terrible for all she knew.

"tocmai veneam să o verific. cum ai numit-o, Pietro?!" Wanda said, a bit of disgust visible on her face.

Pietro laughed still wearing a handsome smirk. "She doesn't know what it means still."

Wanda turned to Bailey with a knowing smile. "You don't want to know."

Bailey looked at Pietro in concern who just replied with just another laugh.

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