Chapter 1

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Ben was getting his travel bag packed, he's going on a trip to North Dakota. "Ben, are you sure you want to go?" Sandra asked. "Yes Mom, I'm positive. Me and Gwen love Fall Out Boy, and their hosting a concert in North Dakota." Ben said. "Isn't the concert in a week? Why are you going so soon?" Sandra asked. "Because Gwen and Ken wants to see some sight seeing." Ben said. Sandra went over to him and kissed him on the cheek. "Have fun, sweetie. Now go before your train leaves." Sandra said. "Bye Mom, I love you." Ben said. They both hugged and then Ben walked out the door and headed to the train station. As he arrived, he meets new people that are going to North Dakota as well. Mike, Riley, Andrew, Dawson, and Brianna. "Ben!" Gwen shouted from the distance with her brother Ken next to her. Ben rushed over to his cousins. "You ready?" Ken asked. "Of course I am." Ben said. Their train arrives but then Ben starts to feel overwhelmed. "Ben, you okay?" Gwen asked. "It's nothing." Ben said. The train doors open and people starts entering it. "Ladies first." Ben said. Gwen went into the train followed by Ken. Ben grabbed hold of the handles to lift himself up into the train. The doors closed and the train started moving. Ben sits down next to his cousins. Ken was watching a podcast on his phone. Ben stares at the window with a overwhelming face. "Ben, are you sure you're okay?" Gwen asked. "I just feel concerned and worried." Ben said. "Don't worry, if anything happens, your 10 aliens will help." Gwen said. Ben smiled. 5 minutes later, Ben pulls out his phone and plugs in his earbuds. As he turns on the radio, the chorus to Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne starts playing that made him anxious.

♪ I'm going off the rails on a crazy train ♪

He notice the clock on his phone that saids 1:80 p.m. "Uh Gwen, why is my clock saying 1:80? Clocks doesn't go that high." Ben said. "Strange. It's not even 1 o'clock yet." Gwen said. Ben looks at the word "death" in Gwen's book. He looks out the window and notice a sign that saids "Damaged railroad track up ahead, don't turn the switch on left". Ben got the feeling that something bad is about to happen. He gets prepared by turning on the Omnitrix. But in the process, he accidentally bumps his elbow into the train wall. Causing a screw to fall off the outside part of the train's roof. The screw hits the switch, causing the railroad tracks to change course to left. The train starts going on the damaged track. The train starts shaking because it was bumpy. "What's happening?" Ken asked. Gwen noticed that they were going on the left. "We're on the damaged track!" Gwen said. Ben notice that himself, Gwen, Ken, and everyone around him is in trouble. "I'm going to turn into Upgrade and change the train's course." Ben said. "Do it, Ben!" Gwen said as she nodded in agreement. Ben nodded back and pushes the button on the Omnitrix but nothing happened. "What the?" Ben said in confusion. He slaps the Omnitrix over and over again. "Why aren't you transforming?" Gwen asked. "The Omnitrix isn't working!" Ben said. "What?!" Gwen and Ken said. One of the wheels came off and bounce back from a rock to the window, breaking it and the wheel impales Andrew's face. Riley screams in horror as Andrew falls to the ground dead. The Tennysons saw what was going on. "Oh no!" Ben said. Gwen's brother rushed to help, but unfortunately, a big screw impales into his forehead then collapse and dies. "Ken!" Gwen shouted at Ken's corpse. Riley's friend Brianna gets hit by a metal piece. The glass from the lights shattered and impales Riley's eyes. Following up by Mike and then Dawson dies. Then all of a sudden, the cart starts breaking up, separating the two Tennysons. Ben's cart goes to the track above a huge cliff. Gwen immediately knows those tracks are sensitive, so she used her magic to stop her cart so she doesn't cause the track to collapse. Little did she know that her cart was leaking gas. And the cart's missing wheels scraped the rails causing a small fire. Both of their carts stopped. She starts rushing to the front of the cart "I'm coming, Be-!" Before Gwen finished her sentence, her cart exploded with her in it. Ben was horrified of witnessing his cousin's death in front of him. "GWEN, NO!" Ben shouted as tears came down his face. Then the tracks starts to break, causing Ben to fall. As he hits the ground, he snaps back to reality. His foot was on the train, holding on to the rails, he was at the moment of entering the train. Ben hearts starts racing, fear completely took over his body. Ben was having a panic attack, as he was breathing deeply and loudly. "Ben, is everything okay?" Gwen asked. Ben looked up at them. "Gwen, Ken, get out of the train, now!" Ben shouted. "Why?" Ken asked. "The train is going to get destroyed. If we stay on that train, we'll all be dead!" Ben said in a horrified tone. "Ben, this isn't the time for you to tell us your silly jokes." Gwen said. "No! This isn't a joke!" Ben said. He grabs Gwen's arm and forced her off the train. "Hey, woah, woah, woah, don't tug my little sister's arm!" Ken said as he got out of the train. "What's with you, doofus? Why are you acting like this?" Ken asked. Gwen notice that Ben was having a panic attack. "What's wrong, Ben?" Gwen asked. "I had a vision of us dying on that train." Ben said. "Hey, what's going on? Is he a crazy person?" Mike said with Riley, Andrew, Dawson, and Brianna behind him. "No, he's having a panic attack!" Gwen said. Ken noticed that the train started leaving. "Wait! Don't leave!" Ken shouted but the train left. "Way to go, Ben. That was the only train that was taking us to North Dakota!" Ken said. "Calm down, it's going to be okay." Gwen said as she comfort Ben. While everyone was arguing, a loud boom caught them off guard. "What was that?" Dawson asked. They looked up ahead and and saw a explosion in the distance where the train was. Everyone turned around to face Ben. Ben was in shock that his vision was actually right.

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