Chapter Ten

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"I just can't go back there, Simon. It will kill me, you have no idea."

Strong hands gripped your waist in the dark hall of the base, night long having fallen, shrouding you both in darkness, symbolizing the relationship you two kept in it.

"You'll never have to go anywhere you don't want to again, love. I'll take care of you, of us. No matter what happens. I'll keep you, now and forever, if I can."

"You can't promise things like that, not when so much of the future is unknown."

"Mm, if there's one thing I'll always be sure of, baby, it's my adoration for you. You have my dedication."

A scoff left your lips, betrayed by a smile trying to hide behind a smirk, hands linking behind his neck as he leaned down towards you with his mask up over the tip of his nose.

"Just drop the promises and kiss me, Simon. Daylights almost here." And then it would be back to just longing glances.


The sandy hill you, Link, and Onyx lay on outside the back of the base was the perfect spot for you at the moment, outside of those suffocating walls. You lay on your back, your head lying on the soft black fur of Onyx while Link lay to your right, your hands through his short but equally soft hair.

The early morning stars were beginning to leave you, meaning you had about thirty minutes before you needed to head to Price's office. You had already dressed and put your hair up before coming out here, needing the freshness of the air in your lungs and the coolness of the night sand under your skin. 

All you could do was replay the scene of you and your mates, repeatedly analyzing every word and movement. Every twitch of body language and tightening of facial muscles, yet you always came to the same conclusions. 

You knew nothing, you wished you could forget everything. 

You wanted the memories of Simon before he was your mate out of your head, gone forever, then maybe things would be simple and as they should be.

But things never would be, not with your past, not with who still gripped you so tightly under their thumb. There would never be a way out now and you knew it, your fucking commander would always come for you. He was not honorable, he would not give a damn if you were legally allowed to be stationed with your mates and you couldn't afford to go against him. And you damn sure didn't trust anyone enough to say anything, not again. No one would ever make you beg and believe only to rip it all away from you ever again. At least this way, it was your choice and the only one to be blamed would be you.

A cold nose nudged into your hand while a warm tongue licked your cheek, bringing a small smile to your face. Your dogs may be scent and protection-trained, yet they acted like emotional support was their specialty. You rubbed Link's warm ear between your fingers as he let out a groan of contentment. Handsome boy, you thought. He was your older one by a year, the first one you trained and couldn't let go. Your soul dog. And then came Onyx, damn dog was smarter than you were and you had never trained another dog as easy as he was.

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