Chapter Eight

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Dedicated to @ihavefeelingsforme

Ghost wasn't sure how long he lay there, watching you and König as you two drifted asleep. König held your back to his chest with an arm that engulfed your torso, his hand resting curled up at your lips. Ghost smiled softly to himself as he saw your hand wrapped around König's thumb.

Your brows furrowed sometime later, seeming lost in an uncomfortable thought, despite your being asleep. This displeased him, Ghost reaching out instinctually to touch your thigh. This seemed to help as your face slipped back into silent contentment. He didn't remember how long he stayed like that, enjoying watching his mates in his bed as he kept a hand on your bare skin, ignoring your newly adorned scars and focusing on your tattoos.

What Ghost did remember though, was that you were there when he fell asleep and now that he was awake again, you weren't.


It was easier to slip away from König and Ghost than you thought it would be, especially since Ghost was a very light sleeper. However, both men had soft snores when you shifted awake. The two of them had their backs to you and you fairly easily shimmied between them and out the door.

It couldn't have been too close to morning yet, seeing as the sun was yet to break the horizon line but damn, you were hungry. It was your growling stomach that woke you up and told you sneaking into the kitchen area was the best idea you'd had all week.

You tip-toed down the hallway, not bothering to turn any of the lights on until you did a little victory dance once you reached the mess hall. You snuck around the tall shelves that contained pantry items and canned goods before turning into the area that kept the stoves and fridges, thankful the exhaust light always remained on so you could see.

Your heart practically stopped as you faced a shadowy figure that was in the dark corner, holding what looked like a weapon and shield in a defensive attack mode.

You were about to dive for the knife block that was a few feet from you when you felt something wet splatter onto your face, the thickness of the substance sticking to your skin as you snapped your eyes shut instinctively. You open them instantly, feeling a little appalled at whatever the hell that was, about to give the criminal your what fors before you freeze with your mouth open.

The words fell from your lips when your adjusted eyes noted that it was Johnny that stood there, wide-eyed with a whisk and large bowl in his hands. The whisk dripped a thick, dark mixture back into the bowl as he stood frozen, a shocked expression. He had something smeared on the corner of his mouth that hung agape.

Your hand touches whatever he flicked at your face, inspecting that it was the same color on his whisk, before tasting it bravely. You shook your head at the Scotsman.

He gave you a sheepish smile, "Brownies?"

So now you and Johnny were in the kitchen together, eating some poorly made brownies and dunking them in milk. You were on the counter, happily swinging your legs, while he sat to your left.

Johnny broke the silence first. "Whioow clthese thoooeese?" he asked with his mouthful.

You held back a laugh, nearly choking on your brownie. "Soap, I can barely understand you without food in your mouth, definitely heard none of what you said."

He chuckled, taking a swig of milk that left him with a mustache, "Aye, I said, whose clothes ya wearing?"

You had forgotten that you were now adorning Ghost's boxers and way too large t-shirt that was tucked in on one side. Your face suddenly felt a little hot, and you were not sure what to say out loud.

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