"Feisty as ever, hm?" Mori hummed. "But the way we run things isn't of your concern anymore. Do fill us in on the strategy Dazai-kun has come up with?"

"As we speak, a former detective member is hacking into the database of the Rats in the House of Dead to steal information," you began. "O- Dazai's on the line with the hacker, and he's got one more open for him to speak to Atsushi and Akutagawa. The rest of the Agency is stationed around the area, they're all looking for Dostoyevsky, who'll likely come out in the chaos."

"What makes you think you'll know it when he does leave?" Mori challenged.

"Mori-San, have you ever played chess against Dazai?" You smirked.

"So this is like dealing with a second Dazai, I see."

'Akutagawa-kun's been infected, be prepared to get the personell ready.'

"Got it," you nodded, tuning the com off again. "Atsushi and Akutagawa are tailing the Virus Skill User, and Akutagawa's been infected."

"But these two are the new era of Soukouku, created by Dazai, are they not?" Mori hummed.

"Mori-San, I don't think any generation of Soukouku will manage to get along," you sighed. "If these two are anything like Dazai and Chuuya, then yes they're powerful, but until then they'll make their rivalry everyone else's problem."

'L/N-San, get the boss and the crew, we're closing in!'

"We'll be there," you reassured. "Mori-San, we should get going."

"Well then, let's head out," Mori decided. "The two of us can talk about you returning to the mafia on the way."

"I'd prefer driving in silence," you politely declined, hoping he wouldn't press the matter.

"Very well," he shrugged, calling his chauffeur.

'I'm going after him, Katai and Fitzgerald are with me,' Dazai informed.

"Alright, don't die," you instructed.

The drive wasn't long, with the two of you meeting up with Fukuzawa and the rest of the Agency minutes before you were to receive Dazai's signal. Supposedly, the Skill User was disguised as a civilian, likely with a hat. When Tanizaki pinpointed the runaway, him and Kenji had immediately surrounded him, only for it to end up being a regular civilian. Dazai left the scene, already bothering Fitzgerald to help out.

"Well done, L/N," Fukuzawa nodded, glad that you'd assembled the mafia troops. 

"Well then, Fukuzawa-Dono, I believe I know where the Skill User will escape from," Mori smiled, already leading the way. 

"Are you sure, Mori-Dono?" Fukuzawa checked, skeptical.

"Is that a challenge?" Mori smirked.

Fukuzawa glared, but stay silent nonetheless. A few seconds after you'd reached the exit to the cave, a stocky man came jogging out, panting as he keeled over. But his exhaustion was immediately extinguished when he saw the two leaders eagerly waiting for him.

"See, I told you, did I not?" Mori smiled. 

"It was too simple of an escape route," Fukuzawa scoffed. "Compared to the illusory Dostoyvesky, this was child's play to predict."

"N-no way..!" The man gaped.

"Now," Kunikida glared, stepping forward. "Thanks to you, we've all been subjected to mortal peril. Can you defend yourself?"

"P-please forgive me!" He begged. "I'll undo the virus, I'll turn myself in! So please..."

"Hmm, I have no problem with that," Mori nodded.

N. Chuuya X Fem! Reader: The Territory of GravityTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon