Part 2.

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Jake's Pov

19 Days Later

It's been about 19 days since the day i saw the teens,they have been absolute idiots. They burned down  a village, now well Trikru will want their heads. The acid fog has killed some of them. It's disgusting what the mountain men do, but there isn't a lot I can change about that.  

Walking through the forest in my wolf form, I soon let different smells fill my nose, but one is familiar. Making my way in the direction of the scent, I soon see the bridge come into view.

Seeing the teens and Trikru be in well a tense conversation, I walk over until I'm about 30 yards away.

Releasing a loud growl, all heads snap in my direction, keeping my head up high. I walk onto the bridge, and well, I think I only made the tension grown.

"Prins gon trimani," A dark skinned man breathes out with wide eyes, and I let my eyes meet his.

Walking next to a blonde girl, she takes some shaky steps away from me, and I mentally chuckle at her fear.

"This business does not concern you."  A woman states, and I let a low growl leave my lips.

"Uhm, what the fuck is going on here." The blonde almost yells with  fear and disbelief in her voice.

"The prince of the forest." The dark skinned man says and I keep my head up high.

Walking infront of the blonde I keep my head up high and push my chest out .

"The who of the what."The brunette from that day says as she looks me up and down.

"He is the Prince of the Forest, he protects it.  Most of our people worship him. No wolf was ever seen the size he is. It's like he's a man trapped in the body of a wolf. He understands us otherwise he would have stayed away or attacked. Some think he's a spirit from the old world ." The man says and well he's right about some things. 

"He saved me.".The girl breaths out and I let my blue eyes connect with hers.  Turning around I start running of the bridge and back into the trees, after running about 150 yards I lay down between some bushes and look at the group on the bridge.

At least they are trying to talk about peace. That has to mean something, right?

But that all soon goes to shit as gunshots fill my ears. Seeing the people all run to cover as bullets and arrows fly everywhere I shake my head.

"Idoits." I mumble mentally as I run back to the direction of the bridge running onto the bridge. I stand high and show the warriors my teeth as loud growls leave my lips .

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