Part 1

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Jake's Pov

Releasing a groan, I slowly blink my eyes open and look at the ceiling of my cave. Seeing the sunlight fill the small cave I live in, I slowly sit up and rub the sleep out of my eyes.

Standing up, I stretch my body out, and another satisfied groan leaves my lips.

Walking out of the cave, I let a smile creep on my face from the sounds of birds. It always brought me peace, the sounds the forest made even when I was just a young boy.

Making my way to the nearby river, my eyes widen at the people there. Looking at the group about 100 yards away, I hide behind some bushes.

These people don't look like they are from any of the clans. They look more like mountain man? They don't even smell like grounders?

Don't pass, I think to myself as I see two boys grab ahold of a robe. It's the  border, I smelled Trikru warriors nearby. If they pass, God knows what they will do.  Seeing one of the boys grab the rope, he swings over to the other side. Hearing the others start to cheer, I start backing away from them and decide its better to go back to my cave. Don't wanna get mixed up in that mess. I do wonder who they are, tho. I don't know much about the clans as well. I don't let people see me. Once they find out who I really am, they'll shove me in a cave. I've been living alone for 97 years.

After the bombs, I somehow survived, but I changed something that happened to me. And it took me almost 50 years to accept it and get control. My body ages slower the less I am in human form the less I age. I was 18 when the bombs happened, and well, I only look about 20 after all these years.

But I've seen things, picked up on the changes in the world. It still surprises me that the world changed so much after only 97 years. It's like society went back hundreds of years. It's more primitive. I do have to say these people have a lot more respect for nature than the people in my time had.

Hearing loud yelling and footsteps, my eyes snap to the opening of my cave, and I shake my head. Running out, I shift midair and run through the trees.  Seeing the group run back to where probably their camp is, I smell Trikru warriors about 300 yards behind them and run in  their direction.

Releasing a loud growl as I stalk over to the 3 warriors, their eyes widen, and I show them my teeth.

"Prins gon trimani," one of them breaths out as he kneels, seeing the other two do the same. I howl loudly before running away from them again.   Following the smells of the group, I move through the bushes, and soon, I see something that looks like a dropship come into view.

Are they from space ? I think to myself, It would explain the way they are dressed and clearly not know about the border. But why did they come down now ? Or why the hell  did they send teens? They don't look like they know how to survive down here.

Stalking through the bushes, I try to keep myself as close to the forest floor as possible because, well, if I stand up, I'm the sice of a pony.

Laying down about 150 yards away from the group of teens, I let my eyes wander over well. I don't wanna call it a camp. Seeing a girl walk away from the girl, my curiosity takes over, and I slowly start stalking her through the  trees . As I see the brunette look around, I keep close to the bushes and let my eyes wander over her every move.

Letting her smell fill my nose, I almost want to release a small growl, but I bite it back. Seeing her move further into the forest, I keep crawling about 30 yards behind her. Seeing her look around in awe, I lay down between some bushes and keep my eyes fixated on her.

When another smell fills my nose, I focus my eyes in the direction, and soon, a Trikru warrior starts running in the direction of the girl. Seeing him run at the girl, she starts backing away but soon falls over. God knows what.

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