Trip down memory lane

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"Mattheo?" Pansy walks through the dark room. "Mattheo this isn't funny." She turns a corner. "Mattheo-" Mattheo jumps out and scares her. "That's not funny!" "Yeah it is." He chuckles and kisses her. "You know Athena almost exposed us on the way here." "Not surprised." She laughs. "So, I got you a little something." Mattheo reaches in his pocket and opens up a small jewelry box. "Riddle?" She asks. "Yeah, it means you're mine." He smiles. "Want me to help put it on?" "No-" "What's wrong? Do you not like it?" "No, it's not that. It's lovely, it is. But- we need to talk..." Mattheo shut the box and puts it back in his pocket. "This was just a fling. Nothing more, and so-" "You wanna pretend it never happened." Mattheo finishes for her. "Yeah... I'm sorry..." Mattheo- nods his head and bites his lip. "Yeah." Mattheo walks away. "Mattheo-" he slams the door cutting her off. The next day after classes the group of friends gathered in the common room by the couches as usual. Athena enters the room and lays on top of her brothers. Her head on Mattheos lap and her legs resting on Draco and Tom. "Comfortable?" Draco asks. "Very." She smirks. Mattheo plays with Athena's hair while deep in though. "You okay?" She asks pulling Mattheo out of his thoughts. Mattheos nods. Draco shoves Athena off of them and onto the ground. "Ow! Asshole." Tom and Draco laugh. "It's not funny, you jerks." Athena looks over at Mattheos who's spaced out again. "Alright, that's it." Athena grabs Mattheo's hand and pulls him up to her dorm.  "Spill." "Pansy dumped me, she said it was just a fling." "Ouch." "I don't get it, is that really all that was to her?" Athena sighs and grabs his hand. "Come on."  Where are we going?" "To have some fun, just the two of us." Athena pulls him down the stairs and through the common room. "Where are you guys going?" Astoria asks. "Twin bonding." Athena smiles and pulls Mattheos out of the common room. They hop on a broom and fly around for a bit admiring the view. Athena flies for a bit until they come across a small dinner. "Tastiest? We haven't been there since we were like twelve." Mattheos says with a big smile. They head inside the diner and take a seat in one of the  booths. Mattheo looks around and chuckles. "Wow, this place hasn't changed one bit. Remember when we used to sneak out and come here almost every night?" He smiles. "How could I forget? Some of our best memories were made here." Athena smiles. This was THEIR place. No one even really knew about this place except the two of them, not many people had the guts to sneak out and if they did they didn't come here because the two of them wouldve seen them. This was the one place that was for only the two of them. Not the two of them and their friends, or the two of them and their brothers. Just them, just a special place filled with special memories that only the twins shared together. Athena and Mattheo are pretty close with Tom and Draco but their binds with them are much different then the bond they share with each other. They were twins, the bond was always different and it always will be. He was her other half and she was his, they told each other EVERYTHING. One would never survive without the other, they were and always have been inseparable. The waitress comes over and takes their order once she leaves the two of them  able to hear the music more clearly. The two of them exchange smirks and quickly stand up. Athena runs over and turns up the music. Mattheo grabs her hand and spins her around. They begin dancing and goofing around to the music until their food arrives. Mattheo was so busy enjoying this night with Athena that Pansy hadn't even crossed Mattheo's mind not once. It had been a long time since just the two of them had hung out and it felt really nice. "You remember that time we had a pie fight in here?" Athena chokes on her food and laughs. "Yeah, we got kicked out and we're almost banned!" She laughs. "I had pie everywhere, and Iean EVERYWHERE." Mattheo laughs. "Filch was so pissed." Athena laughs. "So, how are things with you and Enzo?" "They're good." "Do him?" "Yeah, a lot actually." Athena blushes. "That's" "Don't. Leave him out of this. Me and him broke up. It's over." Mattheo nods and let's it go. "So I guess we both had a fun little summer romance." Mattheo chuckles. "Yeah." "Well, at least yours stuck..." Athena reaches for Mattheo's hand and holds it in hers. "I'll talk to her." "No, don't do that. It's fine." "She broke your precious little heart, she may be my friend but I'll still kick her ass. I'm talking to her." Mattheo sighs. "We should head back. "Yeah." They call for the check and head back to Hogwarts and sneak back into their common room. "Have fun?" Enzo smiles and kisses Athena on her forehead before hugging her. "Mhm." She smiles. Athena lays on top of her brothers her head on Draco's lap and her feet on Mattheo's legs and a bit on Tom's. The boys smirk at each other andthen push her off landing with a loud thud. "Ow! Assholes!" The three of them laugh. Enzo gives her his hand. "Nah, I'll just lay here. It's kinda comfy..." Enzo chuckles and lays next to her. She turns her head to look at him and they both smile at each other. He reaches down for her hand and interlocks his fingers with hers. She leans in smiling and kisses him passionatly. Theo gets up and leaves the room. Athena follows him out. "Theo." Theo stops when he hears her voice. "Can we talk?" He turns to face her. "Hm?" "I know we didn't exactly end on good terms, and I'm with Enzo now but I still wanna be friends...if thats okay with you?" Theo stays quiet. Athena nods her head and goes to walk away but Theo grabs her hand. "I'd like that." She smiles and hugs him tightly. "Good, I was worried I'd lost one of my bestest friends." "Never." He smiles.

A/n: Sorry for any mistakes I haven't edited it yet.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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