He was about to pull away from the curb when...

"Namjoon! You don't know how to drive!"

"Oh yeah right."

Yoongi pushed off Hoseok who was passed out on his shoulder, and swapped places with Namjoon.

They reached TaeKook's house and dumped them off in their room.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook with lust. "I'll give you your gift tomorrow, but for now, take this gift." He pointed down to the bulge in his pants.

Jungkook's droopy eyes turned into shocked ones. "H-how did that happen?"

"Didn't you notice you were sitting on my lap in the car? And everytime we hit a speed bump, your plump ass slammed on my cock." Taehyung said, now advancing towards Jungkook's lips.

Jungkook kissed the older, wrapping his hands around Taehyung's waist.

They broke the kiss, and the only thing that was heard before loud moans, groans and sweaty sink slapping was Taehyung saying, "I'll be the top this time baby."

Next morning

The next morning Taehyung was found in Jungkook's chest, curled up into a tiny ball of fluff.

Jungkook woke up and smiled at the scene.

'Wait, did we actually do it last night? But why does it feel so weird?' Jungkook thought, moving Taehyung to the side.

He got up to go to the washroom.

A scream ripped from his throat as he felt his back, waist and thighs aching with pain as he stood up.

Taehyung woke up with a jolt as he heard the younger scream.

"Hey Kook! You okay." He said as he easily got off the and helped the younger stand up.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung in amazement.

'Did he fuck me last night?!' Jungkook asked to himself.

"Ah fuck, I think I have a headache." Taehyung said massaging his temples, after he helped Jungkook get to the bathroom.

After a few weeks

Jungkook was at a Korean bbq place with, Jin, Yoongi, and Hoseok. While Taehyung was with Jimin and Namjoon at a karaoke bar.

"Hey Jungkook, you like beef right? Why aren't you eating it?" Jin asks Jungkook who was just playing with his chopsticks.

"Hyung, don't force me to eat beef, I want to eat shrimps. And there's no shrimps!" Jungkook started whining.

"Whoa, calm down there Kook, if you want shrimps you could have told us." Hoseok said calming the latter down.

"I didn't want to disturb you guys."

"Jungkook, are you stupid? Why would we be disturbed by asking for food?" Yoongi said.

Jungkook started crying. "Why a-are you scolding me hyung? I was just caring about you guys."

The three hyungs looked at Jungkook with a 'wtf' expression.

"Hey, are you okay, or do you need to see a doctor? I mean you do cry more than us, but you've never been this much of a cry baby." Jin said petting Jungkook's head.

"Yeah-." Hoseok was about to say something when the waiter interrupted him.

"Here's your banana milk."

Jungkook was about to take a sip, but then stoped to sniff it.

"Eww, this smells like shit." Jungkook said pushing the bottle away.

"Guys, I think this would be a good time to say that there's definitely something wrong with Jungkook. Everyone. Panick!!!" Hoseok said.

After meeting up with the whole group, they actually ended up taking Jungkook to the hospital. Taehyung was concerned as he also saw Jungkook feeling unwell for a few weeks.

"Alright Mr.Jeon, your check up is over, I'll just go check your urine report." The doctor said.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung, "am I going to be okay? I'm not abducted by aliens right?"

The doctor finished checking the results and sighed.

"What is it Ms.Choi? Give it to me straight." Jungkook said while glaring at her.

She smiled, "congratulations Mr. Jeon! You're pregnant!!!"

"What the fuck!!! No way! I'm the top!" Jungkook screeched.

Taehyung chuckled. "He can't be. He's never been bottom."

Jungkook suddenly remembered what happened the night of his birthday, it's been haunting him ever since. 

"Maybe once, but how would I? in just one time?" Taehyung said while pressing his lips together in deep thoughts.

"Well his repot says otherwise. Mr. Jeon you're confirmed pregnant."

"WHAT! NO FUCKING WAY!!!!" Said the five who were ease dropping at the door.

A/n: IK this is pretty short but it was rushed. And happy birthday JK!!! I love you so much, of course not more than your Taehyungie hyung, but still, very much admire you bunny💜💚

Jimin's Lost Jams:

Jimin: well, happy birthday to my baby bro.

Yoongi: let's see our pre cap;

"You're a disappointment! No one will love you."

"I love you Tae."

"I love you too Jungkook."

"Time to make them regret..."

Hoseok: oh can you feel the love tonight?~

Yoongi: no one called you hobi!

Jimin: until next time in Jimin's Lost Jams.

P.S this was posted at 12am🥲😭

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