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Vera walked into the house, the living room feeling very homey.

"Do you want to see your room?" Ben asked, looking down at the little girl he had just taken in. She nodded and moved to go up the stairs, having to take one step at a time due to how small her legs were.

Ben pushed open a door, and Vera looked around her, seeing the few stuffed animals that were sitting on the bed that had been donated from a mix of the peds ward, Zola and Ellis, and she immediately ran over, climbing on the bed to look at them all.

Ben laughed a little at the girl's excitement, watching as she lifted each stuffed animal and inspected them, her eyes lighting up each time.

"Does she like it?" Miranda asked, walking up behind Ben.

"I think she does." Ben smiled, looking at how happy Vera was.

Vera turned her head at the voices, becoming shy when she saw Miranda there. "Do you want to come get lunch, sweetie?" Miranda asked her gently, seeing how hesitant she was around the new family.

She nodded, and clambered down from the bed, following Ben and Miranda down the stairs slowly, eventually reaching the dining table, where Tuck was already sat.

Vera climbed onto the spare chair beside Tuck, standing up so she could see the table, before beginning to eat half of the sandwich that was on a plate in front of her.

Miranda looked at the girl, concerned; seeing that she was underweight amd that she wasn't eating as much as she should be.

After lunch, Tuck and Ben decided to introduce Vera to rice krispie treats, using marshmallows.

"So, you melt them, and then mix it in with the rice krispies." Tuck explained, opening the packet of marshmallows and pouring them into a bowl.

Vera was stood on her tippy toes, trying to see the top of the counter, so Tuck lifted her up, placing her on top of it, and the little girl tucked her legs underneath her.

Vera watched as Tuck placed the bowl filled with marshmallows in a microwave, starting the timer, the hum slightly, confusing Vera, as she had never seen one.

Ben scooped her up, holding her so she could see into the microwave. Vera leaned in closer, trying to see through the textured glass. Ben turned round, grabbing a handful of rice krispies that Tuck was pouring into a tray, shoving them into his mouth.

Vera watched, a little confused, as the marshmallows swelled up, some of them pouring down the side of the bowl. "Ben?" She said quietly.

"Yeah, what's up?" He asked, turning back to face her. Tuck was paying attention, having only heard the girl the speak for this first time right now.

"They too big for the bowl." She said, pointing to the bowl in the microwave. Ben turned to look at it, his eyes widening as he quickly set Vera back on the counter, taking the bowl out and using a spatula to scoop the marshmallow that had slipped down the side, placing them on top of the rice krispies.

"Do you wanna mix?" Tuck asked Vera as Ben poured the rest of the marshmallows on the cereal, handing her a wooden spoon.

The two had soon mixed it all in, marshmallows getting all over Vera's face and hair somehow. "Someone's gonna need a bath tonight." Ben chuckled, trying to rub some of the marshmallows off Vera's face using his hands, to which she slightly moved back at, which caused Ben to look at her slightly confused.

Tuck put the tray in the fridge, leaving to cool for a while, whilst Ben lifted Vera down from the counter, the girl immediately running into the living room, Miranda looking at the messy girl in shock.

"And what happened to you, young lady?" She asked. Vera grinned, pointing at Tuck who had just walked through the door, "Tuck, what did you do to Vera?"

"What? I didn't do anything!" Tuck protested. Vera grinned mischeviously, slowly backing out of the situation.

"You know, I think it's time for a bath, missy." Miranda said, getting up from the couch. Vera's eyes widened, and she took off, running into the rest of the rooms on the bottom floor. Mirnada followed as quick as she could, although Vera proved to be a lot quicker, seeing as she was a lot younger.

There was a knock at the front door, and Ben swung the door open, revealing Andy.

"Hi. I just thought I'd pop by, check how Vera was settling in." She said, and Ben stood aside, allowing Andy to step into the house. She kicked off her shoes, setting them to one side.

At that moment, Vera came speeding by, Miranda hot on her tail. Andy watched them with wide eyes, and Vera doubled back, hiding behind Andy's legs.

"What's going on here?" She asked, laughing slightly, trying to turn to see Vera.

"Someone got marshmallow all over her, and won't let me give her a bath." Miranda said, peering round Andy to look at Vera playfully.

Andy glanced down at Vera, noticing how she was smiling, but there was some uncertainity behind it. Andy then realised that she probably hadn't warmed up to the family fully, so she didn't want Miranda to see her bruises.

Andy bent down, picking Vera and placing her on her hip. "I think I shoukd just wash her, if that's alright?" She said.

"Yeah, you know where the bathroom is, right?" Ben said, stepping aside to let her up the stairs. Andy nodded, and made her way up, stopping to grab a towel from the closet.

Andy washed Vera, untangling her hair, occasionally finding marshmallows in her hair, and wiped all of the marshmallow from her face. She then put her in her pyjamas that Arizoan had given them that used to be Sofia's. Andy cleaned the cuts on Vera's face, although they had nearly healed, pink marks appearing on the side off them.

"Ben will bring you back to the station tomoworrow, so I'll see you then, okay, cariño?" She said quietly. They were stood at the door to Vera's room, the little girl ready to sleep. Vera nodded, and Andy got up and left the room, shutting the door quietly behind her.

At around 5am, Vera had woken up, and, unable to go back to sleep, so she decided to play with some of her stuffed animals on the floor, trying her best to be quiet, although she obviously failed, as Miranda soon walked in.

"I sorry..." Vera said quietly, keeping her eyes focused on Daisy in front of her.

"No, you're okay, sweetie. Are you alright?" Miranda asked, sitting beside Vera.

Vera nodded, fiddling with Daisy's hooves, not knowing what to say. "Tummy hur's..." She whispered.

"Oh, do you want to take some medicine?" Miranda asked. The little Latina nodded, and Miranda stood up,  offering her hand to Vera, which she took, albeit somewhat hesitantly.

The two made their way downstairs, where Vera took her medicine, pulling a face at the taste.

"Vera, honey, can you tell me what happened?" Miranda asked, leaning against the counter. Vera looked up at her, before looking down at her hands, fiddling with them anxiously.

"Mama say she no wan' me." She said quietly.

"Oh, babygirl..."

Miranda bent down, holding Vera's hands in her own. "Honey, I want you, and Ben wants you, and Tuck wants, and Andy wants you. Your Mama is losing out on the best little girl there is."

Vera smiled, her focus dissipating as Tuck walked into the kitchen, rubbing sleep from his eyes.

"Tuck!" Vera cried, running over to him, wrapping her arms around his legs tightly.

Tuck scooped her up, asking her why she was up so early, to which she shrugged in response. "You know, I bet if we ask really nicely, we might be allowed to make pancakes for breakfast."

Vera turned to Miranda, her eyes bright. "We make panca'se, p'ease?" She asked. Mirands smiled, nodding, and Tuck set Vera down on the counter, picking out the ingredients they would need.


1365 words.

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