Dean x Reader - Bar Burgers

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Imagine - Dean meeting you for the first time in a bar

"C'mon Sammy!" Dean's voice echoed through the old motel. Sam peeped his out from the bathroom,"I'm brushing my teeth! God. I swear that salad had the worst dressing i've ever tasted." He muttered as he spit into the sink. Dean shook his head and walk out to the Impala. "I swear, that boy and his cow food." He got into the drivers seat and started up the car. He honked, signaling for Sam to hurry up.

Sam came running out of the motel, closing and locking the door. "I'm coming!" He walked at a fast pace across the parking lot and into the passenger side of the Impala. He buckled up and looked at Dean who was backing up,"Dude, really?" Dean looked at Sam,"What?" "Seatbelt." Dean shook his head,"Its down the street Sam." Sam raised his eyebrows and Dean rolled his eyes,"Fine!" He threw on his seatbelt and threw his hands up,"Happy?" Sam shook his head and looked out the window.

They arrived at the bar in five minutes flat, hopping out of the car and Dean smiling,"I can feel it Sammy. Todays the day." Sam looked at Dean from over the top of the car,"The day you get laid? I mean, last you got laid was a couple months ago. What makes you think todays the day?" Sam said with a cocky grin. Dean gave Sam a bitch face and retorted with,"Hey, At leased I can get laid." Sam slammed his door shut and walked inside, Dean trailing behind him smiling like an idiot.

You sat at the bar making small talk with the bar waitress. "Where you come from hun?" She asked, wiping away a spilled drink stain. You played with the straw of your drink,"California. I traveled a long way ma'am." You smiled up at her and she smiled back. You took a sip of your alcohol and looked at the TV, showing a re-run of a boxing match. Suddenly you felt a cool breeze and turned your head, seeing a tall brown haired man and a shorter man with dirty blonde hair. You smiled at the tall one, who returned the smile and a wave.

You got back to your drink and tried to overhear their conversation. "Sammy, I-I think that girl smiled at me." "Dean-" "Sammy." There was a long pause so you got back to watching the boxing match.

"Sam, does she look pretty?" Sam rolled his eyes,"Dean we both have very different meanings of pretty." Dean motioned for him to continue. He sighed and looked at the back of your head,"She's gorgeous Dean. Like seriously, beautiful." He looked back at Dean who was no longer in his chair, but standing up, walking over to you.

"Excuse me?" You turned your hair, your locks going to the opposite side. "Hmm?" You replied to the shorter man, who you presumed was Dean. "Are you from Tennessee? Because-" "You're the only ten I see. Nice try, and no. California. By the way, how much does a polar bear weight?" He looked shocked then confused,"I-I don't know why?" You smirked and held out your

hand,"Enough to break the ice. Hi, I'm y/n." He grinned and took your hand, sitting on a bar stool. "Nice one." You smiled back,"Thanks." You turned away, looking at the screen. Both men had bloodied and bruised eyes, their faces were most likely beyond repair. One had obviously a fractured eyebrow. Dean sat there, admiring your profile. He smiled then looked down when you turned your head and caught him staring.

"So, Dean is it?" He looked up. "Yes, It is." You smiled. "I didn't mean to seem like a creeper. I just overheard you and your friend talking." He smiled looking at Sam who was already talking with another girl. "He's my brother." He looked back you and smirked,"Looks like he's got someone to take home, what about me?" He laid his hand on yours. You looked at his hand and smiled. "I think you're amazing Dean, I really do. But I'm not going home with someone I just met." He looked defeated and you smiled at him,"Not unless the person I just met bought me a burger with extra waffle fries." He looked up and smiled. "Deal."

As you sat there with Dean, you couldn't help but admire his features. His beautiful green eyes, his light freckles and his hair. They all complimented his face wonderfully. You were starting to blush as he looked at you, taking a sip of his beer. You quickly turned around back to your burger and smiled. "You know, I normal don't do this but I wouldn't mind having another date." You giggled,"You call this a date? I call a coincidence." You smiled at him and laughed,"Fine, how about a date. Tomorrow?" You smiled,"I would, but my renter actually just kicked me out." He smirked and put a hand on your thigh,"Not a problem." He winked at went back to eating his burger.

You frowned,"Your last name wouldn't happen to be Winchester, would it?" He looked up,"Yeah, Why?" "Mines Y/L/N." His eyes got wide,"You mean the daughter of the famous hunter Jason Y/L/N?" He said shocked. You nodded and smiled,"You're a hunter I presume?" He nodded, still intently looking at you. "You do realized this makes you incredibly hotter, right?" You looked up at him a smiled,"What was I before?" "Solid ten. Now you're like a-" He stuttered a bit and replied,"You're like the sun, right? But you're like the sun after a years worth of cloudiness and rain." You blushed looking down,"Really?" You muttered. He nodded fast. "You know, y/n, I really like you." You looked up,"I like you too Winchester." He smiled brightly,"Shall we?" He threw a thumb over his shoulder and you nodded. "Hey Sammy!" He called. Sam looked at him as he held your hand tightly,"I'll be in the car." He winked at Sam smiled and shook his head.

"Have fun!"

Dean muttered under his breath,

"Oh we will.."

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