Sam x Reader - Love Birds

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Imagine: Going on a hunt with Sam, Dean and Cas and finding a witch that casts a spell on you that makes you change to the opposing gender. (I'm writing this one for the girls so if you're a guy I'm sorry!) -this will be a little long!-

"Got anything?" Dean asked as you sat in front of your laptop. You three had been trying to find a lead on a certain witch for weeks now. The only clue you got was from Bobby, and that was a month ago. He said she was in Kansas and thats all he knew. So you investigated and yet nothing. But this time, you were sure that you've found her.

"Yeah actually." You smirked at Dean came back with a beer, handing you one and cracking open his. "Well?" You tilted the laptop towards him. "Ambrose Georgia?" You took the computer back,"Yep. Population three hundred and seventy seven, plus one witch." You smiled and bit your lip, a nasty habit that you had picked up from your deceased father.

Suddenly Sam came walking in,"What happened? Did you find her?" You shook your head,"Not exactly. We found what state and city she's in. How hard can it be to find her among not even four hundred people?" Sam and Dean exchanged looks and Sam smiled,"Lets get going shall we?"

You had packed up just about everything. Guns, bullets, needle and thread just in case and your favorite, your trusty silver knife. You smiled at the weight of the small backpack, not to heavy so it won't strain your back yet not to light so you're still building muscles. You met Dean and Sam outside the Impala,"Ready to go slow-poke?" Dean asked as he got into the drivers side and Sam got into the passengers. You shook your head,"Yeah you old grump." "Hey! We're the same age!" All three of you chuckled.

Soon enough, you had arrived at the small town in Georgia. You had come up with a plan already. You stay and wait in the car while Sam and Dean go out looking for clues. You honestly hated the plan but decided it was for the best. Sam and Dean are amazing liars. You? Not so much. You tense up and blush when you lie. Again, another nasty habit from your father. Suddenly, Dean came rushing back to the Impala.

"What'd you find?" You asked, getting up from leaning on the car. "J-Just call Sam! We need to hurry!" You got into the passenger seat and called Sam. "Hey! Where are you?" You asked,"At the diner. Why?" "We're on our way. Stay put." And with that, you hung up.

You arrived at the Diner in no time, grabbing Sam out from a conversation and pushing him into the car, literally. You hands were pushed against his muscular back, feeling him tense up. You blushed a little, reminding yourself of the feelings you had for the youngest Winchester. "Woah, calm down!" He yelled as he got into the passenger and you hopped in the back. "Sam, we found the witch. She might know we're coming so we need to hurry." Dean stated as he sped off.

Eventually, you made it to an old two story house in a open corn field. "Are you sure a witch lives here? It seems more of a farmer lives here dude." You asked Dean as he got out of the car,"Pretty damn sure." He cocked his shotgun and held it in his hand. "Woah wait! Can we try and talk to it first?" Dean turned around and gave you the classic Winchester bitch face,"Sure! Then maybe later we can invite it for tea!" You returned the bitch face. "Fine, y/n. Fine." He held up his hands in defense.

"Okay, so Y/n and I will search upstairs. You got down stairs alright Dean?" Sam told Dean. "Sure captain. What ever you say." Sam picked the lock and lead everyone inside. It was a small little house. There was one set of stairs so you followed Sam upstairs and carefully held your gun in your hands, making sure not to set it off. Sam checked the doors on the left side of the corridor and you checked the right.

When you walked up to a door to put your ear on it, it opened by itself and you signaled Sam as he came out of a room to come look with you. He walked over, gun in hand and slowly pushed the door open, revealing a woman in black hunched over a bowl, chanting some odd words. You mouthed to Sam,'What's she saying?' Sam shrugged his shoulders.

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