"Right. Got it."

      "Your face looks upset."

      "Well, I am actually not feeling happy, really... but I'm not even sure what to feel anymore. I just want my memories back. I feel like an amnesiac."

      "Don't worry, I've encountered many other souls like you. Also... this particular place you are in right now is just for Christians. Do you recall the word's meaning still? Just asking."

      "I just remember believing in Jesus but nothing else besides that. In fact, Jesus is the only name I remember right now, honestly. I don't even remember the names of my own family members."

      "Well, I actually just asked that to see if I should introduce myself or not. I'm known to all as Death, if that wasn't already obvious, but in your beliefs, death is also an avatar of the Archangel Michael – which is one of the names I go by along with millions of others from various beliefs – and I sail this raft into the Purgatory, where you will thereafter continue with your journey alone, according to your own beliefs alone specifically (because I have other ways of taking other souls from other beliefs into their respective Afterlives separately). In fact, there was an old song called 'Michael, Row The Boat Ashore' written in honour of this job of mine. This river is not the River Jordan, though, as the song suggests. This doesn't have a name actually, but serves me a lot. I'm also omnipresent, so along with you I carry so many other souls on rafts like this on this same river, though you won't see any of them until you enter the Waiting Area aka the Purgatory, of course."

      "So, lemme just guess... the Afterlife is different for everyone depending on their beliefs?"

      "Yes. So, all religions are actually true. Thus, atheists and agnostics also experience their own Afterlives in ways they had viewed such when they were alive. There's absolutely no discrimination against anything beyond death and I have billions of other identities."

      "So, anything else?" I am intrigued to know some actually necessary details further on in the hope that they would lead me to my memories. I can't accept my fate at the Purgatory if I don't even know what I did to deserve it, can I?

      "Your fate depends on your Morality Spectrum, which simply means the amount of good or bad your soul has ever done in a lifetime: you have no control of that after death no matter what your beliefs are and it is only God who can decide your fate thereafter. And now there is no more left to tell you because we have arrived at your destination," Michael says and then I look over my shoulder to find a stationary boat dock.

       But... I want to know more...

      "Anyway, here's my final message to you because it may perhaps help you to find your memories. When you come closer to the soul of one you knew personally and loved very much – such as your lover or a close parent or perhaps your best friend – you might feel a bit strange and you might find yourself walking towards somewhere, against your will. You will then eventually find that particular person by the time you stop feeling those uncomfortable sensations. They can however be only felt towards one person, if there's many as such in the Waiting Area, and if that one was the closest to you above all the others in comparison. You can ask them to tell you your story the best they can. So, good luck then, Silver." The angel then simply vanishes into the air along with the raft right after I get off from it.

      Oh well, that's fine, I guess.

      It's not like it's anything I have to be frustrated about right now anyways. Perhaps angels have their own secretive oaths too. It's better to appreciate the efforts they actually do put into letting us know part of what lies ahead rather than criticising them for whatever they didn't require to tell us. (I mean, I'm still a little disappointed that Michael couldn't tell me a bit further about the probably more important stuff, though, but okay. We both literally wasted time by talking about dreams and how other people see the Afterlife, and then I wasted most of it on my own earlier by having a long period of useless silence for most part of the trip at the beginning!)

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