"You guys get inside first because I need to go upstairs to fetch something." I threw the keys in Milo's direction, and he caught them. He looked at them with mischief twinkling in his eyes. His mother took the keys from him, and Milo's eyes lost the mischievous sparkle they had with a really cute pout.

I ran upstairs and I dug through my clothes and I found it. The pistol. I will probably need it today. Remember the three words: accuracy, breath, and stability. After I took a long breath in, I went outside to get in the car with them.

"Mi hija, your car is so nice." Milo's mom said, completely mesmerized.

"I hope you don't mind that Milo called shotgun." She said.

"I don't mind at all." I passed some shades for him to wear.

"Awesome!" He wore the shades, and he looked like the coolest nine year old ever. Yep, he turned nine yesterday. He just told me that me being here is a birthday present enough, but I want to spoil him rotten, starting with seeing Miley first.

We pulled up at the hospital, and it was a children's hospital. When we walked in, the walls had Disney characters on them. It was colorful for the kids to feel safe. It smelled of medicine in here.

Milo's mom walked to a nurse to ask for help and the nurse looked like she was in her early twenties with her chewing of bubble gum, wore an extremely short nurses' uniform and painted on makeup because that was a lot of makeup.

I was following behind Milo's mom. She turned to look at us and expectedly looked at us.

"We are looking for Miley Velazquez." Milo's mom said, and the nurse sighed.

"In the children's room over there." She waved over to the other side. I was about to follow them, but she grabbed my wrist harshly, forcing me to turn back to her, "She can't go with you." She was still making eye contact with her phone.

"Why not?" I asked because I also wanted to see Miley.

"Because. You might just steal the child." She said, and I gave her a cold laugh while I yanked my hand away from her. How preposterous is that? Why in my right mind would I want to steal a child? They are cute and adorable, but that does not mean I would steal them.

I gently grabbed her chin, forcing to look directly at me. "It's a bit disrespectful to not look at someone when you talk to them." I snarled as I snatched her phone away from her. I watched as her face got red with anger.

"And it's also a bit rude to make assumptions, Barbie." I called her Barbie because she had a petite figure, and she looked like she was hit by a makeup truck. So Halloween Barbie it is.

"I'm gonna call security." Her voice trembling and her green eyes having a glimpse of fear in them.

"Call them." I let her go and threw her phone back to her. "Call them and tell them what? Huh. I'm going to steal because of my skin color, is it?" I took a seat, carelessly putting my arms behind my neck to indicate how relaxed I am. I also crossed my legs as a sinister smile fought its way onto my face.

"Go on. We wouldn't want a known criminal in a children's hospital, now would we?" I grasped the attention of others who are now looking at us.

"Mi hija. What's going on? Miley wants to see. She's awake." Milo's mom came out of the passage to see what what was going on.

"Tell her what you said to me." I smirked, and Milo's mom looked at her expectedly.

"Is everyone in this hospital crazy? She might take the child!" She screamed and earned weird looks from the audience who was now invested in this drama.

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