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Hello! This is my submission to the cover contest hosted by Karuar 

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Hello! This is my submission to the cover contest hosted by Karuar . The promt was to design a cover with the title "Thalassophobia" and the subtitle "Fear of the Sea". 

This Cover took me ages. First I designed another one with a shark but I wasn't happy with that one. So I went back to Unsplash and searched for another picture, where I found this one with the jellyfishes by Joel Filipe. 

I then went into Photoshop and added a glow effect on the jellyfishes by drawing on them

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I then went into Photoshop and added a glow effect on the jellyfishes by drawing on them. Next I did the text, which took me longest. I had to find the exact right position for each letter and somehow leave space for the author and the subtitle. Afterwards I added many effects and then went to Photoshop Express to do the vignette and additional effects. 

In total this cover took about three and a half hours. 

I hope I'll stand a chance! Have a nice day! Love, Amy

I hope I'll stand a chance! Have a nice day! Love, Amy

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