S4E1 The scoop on UA Class 1A

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students: "A newspaper?"

Class A had just returned from a quick gym practice with all might. Hence the class being in their gym uniforms. Standing in front of them in the dorm building was aizawa.

Aizawa: "Yeah. They wanna do a feature on your class for some reason"

Ochaco: "Isn't that amazing, Deku?"

Midoriya: "Mhm!"

Ochaco was leaned in close, causing midoriya to grow flustered.

Kaminari: "That's kinda surprising, huh?"

Kirishima: "Uh, not really"

Ojiro: "Yeah, I mean, the sports festival was on TV"

hagakure: "We've gotta look super cute in case they wanna take our picture!"

Mina: "For sure!"

Jiro: "I think you'll be just fine, Hagakure"

Y/n: "wow.. barely been together for a day, and it's probably gonna be in the newspaper..."

Momo: "we shouldn't be surprised... It is UA after all"

Aizawa: "That's enough"

The students suddenly stood straight. Except for y/n, who sat up straight.

students: "Yes, sir"

aizawa: "It's nothing too exciting. The article's about how you're settling in, adjusting to dorm life, that kinda thing. Principal Nezu thought it would be a good idea. This'll show your parents and guardians that you're happy here. Maybe set a few minds at rest-"

Meanwhile, with the resident little shit.

Mineta: "Newscasters are usually hot. This is awesome, right?"

Sero: "He said it was for a paper"

Mineta: "If she wants to write an article about my sticky balls, I'll give her an all-access pass. I'll let her-"

Before Mineta could go on, he was wrapped in aizawa's scarf.

Aizawa: "I expect you all to be on your best behavior today"

tokuda: "Don't worry on my account, Mr. Aizawa. I wanna get a feel for what dorm life is really like, so there's no need for them to act any differently than normal"

aizawa: "I didn't say you could come in yet"

Tokuda: "I was told I had from 8 AM until 6 PM. So, unless my watch is wrong..."

Aizawa gave a lazy stare, before lowering his scarf, and releasing Mineta, as Tokuda, the reporter, walked forth.

Tokuda: "Hello, everyone, my name is Taneo Tokuda. I'm looking forward to learning more about you all"

students: "Nice to meet you!"

Tokuda: "Now, as I said, you don't need to do anything special. Just go about your day exactly as you normally would. The camera will do most of the work. I might ask an occasional question or two, and I hope you'll answer"

Mina: "He's got such a nice smile!"

Mineta: "That is so not a woman"

Aoyama: "What to do? My sparkling personality will undoubtedly draw the camera like a moth to a flame"

Sato: "Yeah. Undoubtedly..."

Tokuda: "Principal Nezu has probably already spoken to you about this, but I wanna make sure you don't interfere in any way. No offense-"

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