I waited outside her door when Willow came and approached me with an expression I could not decifer.

"Hello, cugino." She flashed her white pearls at me. Her brown curls waved about.

"What?" I rolled my eyes because I do not have time to be dealing with her shit.
I have enough shit to deal with, and I don't have time to deal with the shit she came her for.

"Oh, feisty! Potrebbe essere a causa di una certa ragazza." She gave me a smirk, and I almost wanted to shoot her. Almost.

Translate: It might be because of a certain girl.

"She has little importance to me." I said spat the words out. She has some importance to me, I just don't want anyone to know that, not even her. Therefore, acting like a jackal towards her.yl

"Well, a little free advice, Matteo. Girls don't like rude guys." She pointed out busy poking my chest while she was at it.

I flinged her tiny hands off my chest, and I looked straight into her brown eyes.

"I don't give a fuck about what girls like. I have a dick don't I?" I smirked, and I watched her face morphing into an expression of tldisgust.

Kyla's door opened, and this was not Kyla anymore. It was some badass girl who was ready to fight. Why does her body have to be so perfect? From her beautiful brown eyes under those glasses to plump cheeks and a little shade of pink in her lips. Which looks so kissable right now.

Her black top, which goes with leather tights she's wearing and those black sneakers. I don't see a ragazza anymore, I see an independent motherfucking woman. Being mean to her is going to be a little harder now.

"Yeah. I think you'll have to do more than a dick to get her." Willow whispered in my ear, and she strided off to the other direction.

"What are we waiting for?" Her sweet angelic voice said. Her voice was like the running of melted chocolate, sweet and smooth. The fact that she let go of what I said back in her room shows me her maturity.

I gestured for her to come with me, and she walked in front of me. It took my every willpower. I had not stared at her ass but I miserably failed.

She stopped her tracks and turned to face me with an arched eyebrow, her hands on her hips.

"Why are we heading towards the basement?" Her brown eyes bored into mine.

"That's where we'll train." I pointed out, tugging her arm and my long strided cause her to start running down the stairs.

"Slow down!" Her voice echoed through the walls inside the basement. I could hear those words in a different context. I should probably stop now.

The basement is surprisingly where I train. It had everything. There were mannequins facing our direction and one with a bruised eye because I shot it right in the face.

I took out a gun, and I handed it out of her. She looked hesitant for a second, but she then took it. I guided her to a black training mat, which had a large white skull in the middle.

"What's your knowledge about guns?" I asked, turning to face her, obviously towering over her.

"I know that you just gave me a pistol. Pistols are firearms designed for automatic operations. Depending on how the person is standing, the bullet might be able to fire at 1200m/s, which is why it is said to be impossible to dodge a bullet." She explained, and I smirked because I was impressed with her. "It also depends on the gun size." I finished for her.

"That too." She replied, clearly affected by our close proximity.

"You forgot one thing." I started circling her like a hungry predator waiting to pounce on its prey.

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