Chapter 23: What Went Wrong?

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"No, Cream, you do not see, uh, I, uh," said Shadow, thinking but like an idiot so he came out in saying "uh" a bunch, sounding not correct.

"What? What do you want? If it is nothing, please leave my home before I call the police!" said Cream to Shadow.

"I am here to seduce you," said Shadow, finally deciding upon a thing. Shadow took out his big, black, cool penis. It was smoking at the end like he was just finishing getting ready for a big sex opportunity.

"Oh my god! Shadow!" said Cream, looking shocked. "What!"

Shadow felt a little nervous but did not let it show on his face or his torrid genitals. "Yes, Cream, I want to pay for all of your children to go to school. But first we have to make some children, and I am going to do that right in your vagina! Okay?"

Cream looked a little hestiant at first, but then said, "You know, I accept this. I know I am True BoyFriend and GirlFriend with Tails but I feel bad for you when he kicked you at the funeral and I want to make you feel better," said Cream, putting on a wink with her eyes. Cream took of her clothes and then fell out two boobs and a vagina.

"Wow, you look so sexy," said Shadow, pretending to think she is the hottest. Shadow took his penis and planted it right into her mouth. "First we will do this." Shadow put his penis into Cream's mouth and put it in and out, and tried to see how far he could stick it in. Shadow's penis was so big it looked pregnant, and it looked like an anaconda having lunch at Subway. Shadow got so far he almost filled up her lungs and she was coughing. Ellen was holding on to her vagina for dear life because it was so sexy. To her it felt like she was trying to eat too many pixie sticks. To Shadow it was like he was trying to sharpen a pencil. Shadow's penis was really big around, like an air condition vent in just a building.

It was hard for Cream to get a word in edge wise but when she did, it was when Shadow took his penis out for only a tiny moment in geologic time and she screamed, "Shadow! I am drowning in the power of your penis! I am so in love!" And then Shadow stuck his ridiculous penis back in her mouth and she would be like a prisoner with handcuffs on her throat.

"You embarrass me," said Shadow, smiling. Then Shadow took his penis out and picked Cream up. "Let me charge up for a super ejaculation!" Shadow laid Cream down on the ground and then took his penis with him, which was already huge and shaking with sex energy, and found Cream's Piggy Bank, which was full of coins and dollars and things to save up for money, so she could buy what she wanted when she had enough inside of it. Shadow took it and using his muscular penis, smashed a hole right through the piggy bank so now it was sitting on the top of his penis like a hat. Shadow's penis looked like it belonged in a fashion show.

"Huh? What are you doing?" said Cream who was confused but sounded so happy from doing sex still that she was smiling and laughing. Shadow lifted her head up so she could see her big heavy piggy bank on his penis but not weiging because his penis was so strong.

"I am doing this for good, Cream. Sorry." Then Shadow swung his penis at her head on the side like a hammer and hit the piggy bank into her head and knocked her unconscience. Cream was now on the floor not responding to life, and Shadow took the piggy bank off his penis and stuck his penis in her vagina to finish his boner ejaculation. Shadow rammed his penis back and forth and because she was not responding and using her vagina to make his penis feel better, he had to do all the sex and he stuck his penis so far up that he accidentally bumped her heart with his penis, but she was still ok. Shadow's tumescent penis finally exploded into an ejaculation and nine hundred ninety nine screaming ghosts rushed out of his penis like he was opening Panera's Box and flew through her body and out her mouth and escaped into the atmosphere and left stains on the carpet "Okay, now it is time for what I really came for," said Shadow out loud.

Shadow did not even bother putting his penis back where he found it, and instead went to work looking for the Ultra Chaos Emerald. He looked through all of her things and even behind pictures and posters. Cream had a lot of posters on her walls of things teenage women liked, such as the famous BoyBand One Sonic Direction, and famous television shows like Gossip Sonic and Pretty Little Sonic and iSonic and, famous books like Sonic Twilight and Fifty Shades of Sonic. Shadow looked through all of these things and even in her lip gloss and purse full of teen girl blood diapers and could not find it. Then he got to her jewlery cabanet and opened it, and there he saw the big ring with the big jewel that Cream was wearing at Sonic's funeral, and it was actually the Ultra Chaos Emerald.

"Yes! I found it! How did this get here?" shouted Shadow, picking up the ring and taking the Ultra Chaos Emerald out of the ring and into his hand.

Then when Shadow was standing there with Cream unconscience on the floor and filled with nudity, and his fat penis hanging down from his body like a dog going down the stairs, and a big shiny crystal in his hand, Tails flew into the window and, thusly, the room.

Tails hardily even looked at the situation and said, "It is okay, I know exactly what is going on."

Sonic High School by DarkDoomFireMasterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora