Chapter 23: What Went Wrong?

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"Wow, I feel like such an idiot," said Shadow inside of him to himself, not speaking out loud. "I thought I could revive Sonic from being dead, but I could not." Shadow tried using the Ultra Chaos Emeralds to make Sonic become alive for another time but he definitely did not. Shadow made a big deal out of it, and then everyone yelled at Shadow and throwed their shoes at him for being an ass. Now Sonic is way down in the ground and dead, so he has to keep going and figure out the rest of High School.

Shadow went home by walking, because taking Omega would have just made it too much longer to get to Sonic's funeral so he went by walking. Shadow walked home, and now he was there safely, without getting hit by any cars at all. Shadow went up into his house and then his bedroom, and it was all a black and red place, like a volcano inside. It looked dark and cool, but not scary like a Haunted House, which is scary, and it has ghosts.

Shadow grabbed his sack and looked at his jewels and then he put them on the bed. Shadow looked at them, the Ultra Chaos Emeralds. "Wow, they are so pretty and big, but why did they not work," said Shadow. Shadow looked at them more, further, and then he screamed, because something was shocking to him. He knew what was wrong with the crystals, and what it was was that one of them was missing. It was easy to see now that they were not in his bag because the one that was missing was the white one, which looks less colored than the rest of them because it is not powerful in color like red, or yellow, or green.

"Shit! Shit!" screamed Shadow at his bed, where the things were. "Where is the last crystal? I cannot find it, it is not here! Where did it go?" Shadow was screaming and going positively nuts about it all. Shadow felt like a mother kangeroo who lost her baby after it left her front pocket and left it behind at the jungle, where there were dangerous things that would eat it, because the crystal was so cool looking and big that anyone would take it if they saw it, even though the laws said that if something is there, you have to bring it to the Police so that they can take it and show it to everyone to see if it is theres, and if it is, they can have it without being nervous due to losing it. Shadow was so pissed because this did not happen even though he lost it. "I have to find it!" screamed Shadow like a oprah singer seeing a ghost.

Shadow quick went to Omega (the name of Shadow's car) and got in it, and touched him to make the map appear. "Omega, set your trackers to find the last Ultra Chaos Emerald, because it is lost!"

Omega made all kinds of beeping and computer noises, sounding like a bag of technology. "BEEP BEEP BOOP, HERE IT IS," said Omega to Shadow, sitting in him in the driver seat, and on Omega's map screen came a red dot that said the last Ultra Chaos Emerald was there. It was not in the cityscape like before, now it was much closer, so Shadow drove so fast.

Shadow finished and got to the place where the red dot was beeping about. "Wow, it is a house?" said Shadow. "Does that mean someone stole the Ultra Chaos Emerald and put it in their house? Is this true?" Shadow got out of his car and went to the side of the house. It was only a little dark outside because it was not late enough or at night to be the darkest possible, so Shadow went to the window and looked inside. It looked normal, not like a crazy place. Shadow climbed up the side of the house and to a window that looked like it was where the dot was coming from, and Shadow opened the window and broke in side.

"Ow, ass," said Shadow as he got in, hurting his foot a little.

"Ahhhhh!" screamed the person, who was there, in the room that Shadow broke into.

"Cream!" screamed Shadow at Cream, who was it.

"Shadow? What are you doing here! Should not you be making a big fool out of yourself at the circus, like you were trying to do at Sonic's funeral? There was so much disrespection coming from you!" Cream stomped her feet and made a pissed face at him.

Sonic High School by DarkDoomFireMasterWhere stories live. Discover now